About Hawaii Flowers & Trees
- There are shockingly few plants thriving in Hawaii that are native to the island. As new people migrated to Hawaii, they brought with them a variety of plants and animals. With the introduction of these new species came the dwindling of many native species. Many endemic plants were unable to adapt to the changing environment and became extinct. Of the estimated 50,000 plant species native to Hawaii, only about 2,600 remain. Of these, 30 percent are endangered. As many as half of all endangered plant species in the world are in Hawaii.
- Hawaii is home to a variety of beautiful tropical flowers. Dwarf Pittosporum is a common landscape plant in Hawaii, at a height of about 3 feet. The purple-leaved hibiscus is a large flowering plant that can grow as tall as 15 feet. The base of the plant secretes a thick juice that is used to make a jelly for meat and bread. Anthurium is a bright flowering plant brought to Hawaii from England. The heart-shaped leaves of the Anthurium are about a foot in length. The bird of paradise is an easily recognizable tropical plant. The flowering head of the plant closely resembles the crested head of a bird. This plant is native to South Africa but can be found growing in Hawaii.
- Hawaii's bright, colorful flowers are infamous. Some, such as the hibiscus, are immediately recognized and associated with these islands. Some varieties of Hawaiian flowers are used for perfumes. Pikake, Hawaiian rose, and hibiscus all have especially pleasing scents. Hawaiian flowers are also used in leis. These beautiful necklaces can be made from a variety of blossoms. The kukui, the state tree of Hawaii, produces small nuts which are used in leis as well. In ancient Hawaiin culture, the nuts of the kukui were burned to measure the passing of time. Another Hawaiian plant with important uses is the Koa tree. Koa is a plant native to these islands, famous for its beautiful hardwood which is used in woodworking including surfboards and canoes.
- Several delicious tropical fruits are grown in Hawaii. Some are so common as to become a pest. The banana passion fruit is one of these. The seeds are spread by birds and other animals, helping this plant to spread rapidly. Another variation of passion fruit grown in Hawaii is known as Lilikoi. This fruit is yellow in color with a rich orange pulp. Lilikoi are known for their tart flavor. Like the banana passion fruit, this plant spreads quickly and can become a pest. Other delicious fruits found in Hawaii come from the guava plant, the mango tree, and the macadamia nut tree. The cinnamon tree is a recent addition to the Hawaiian islands and is now cultivated there for commercial cinnamon. Coffee trees also grow well in Hawaii and can be found both on working plantations and growing wildly. Hala is an endemic seashore plant, common to the Hawaiian islands. The fruit of this plant resembles pineapple and is edible. There are also five species of pineapple that grow in Hawaii.
- Hawaii's state flower is the hibiscus. Most varieties are, surprisingly, native to China. Hibiscus flowers can grow as tall as 20 feet with petals between 2 and 8 inches across. Hibiscus flowers have a very symbolic meaning in Hawaii. Women innocently wearing a hibiscus blossom could easily give the wrong idea if they are unfamiliar with the local culture. A Hibiscus blossom worn over the right ear signifies that the woman is single. A blossom over the left ear signifies that she is in a relationship.
Though the most common hibiscus flower did not originate in Hawaii, there are several flowers in this same family that are native to the islands. The Pua Aloalo is a white hibiscus flower endemic to the islands that is very rare. The ma'o hau hele is a yellow hibiscus flower that is endangered, but can still be found in some Hawaiian gardens and yards. This flower is most common on Kaua'i and O'ahu. Koki'o kea is an especially fascinating plant native to the islands. This tree produces white flowers which slowly fade to pink in the afternoon. Though the native trees and flowers of Hawaii face many struggles with non-native plants, species such as these continue to make the islands of Hawaii lush and beautiful.