How to Convert a Flash Game to an Executable Game
- 1). Open Flash.
- 2). Click "File" on the menu bar, select "Open" to display the Open dialog box. Navigate to the .fla file you want to convert to an executable file, select it, then click the "Open" button.
- 3). Click "File" on the menu bar and choose "Publish Settings."
- 4). Click the "Format" tab. This section of Publish Settings allows you to export the Flash game or movie to several file formats, including Projector files.
- 5). Choose ""Windows Projector (.exe)" to create a Windows executable. Choose "Macintosh Projector" to create a Mac executable.
- 6). Click the "Publish" button. Flash will save the Projector file to the same directory as the .fla file. The Projector executable includes everything needed to run the game as a standalone file.