How to Make Paper Mache Wands
- 1). Place a piece of double-stick tape along the long edge of a sheet of 8-by-10 paper.
- 2). Roll the paper into a wand, beginning at the non-tape side. Roll one side slightly tighter than the other so that the wand tapers. Keep rolling until you reach the tape, which will hold the wand together.
- 3). Dilute white glue with water to make it easier to brush. Your solution should be 3 parts glue, 1 part water.
- 4). Brush the wand with a coat of the thin glue, then hang it from the edge of a table with a piece of tape. Allow the wand to dry.
- 5). Cut the tip off of the wand with a straight cut. Do the same at the base of the wand.
- 6). Apply a small bead of hot glue into the tip of the wand, sealing it and giving it a rounded shape. Allow the glue to dry.
- 7). Fill the wand with salt or sand to give it bulk. Tamp the wand on a hard surface to compact the sand, then top it off.
- 8). Cover the open end with more hot glue, again sealing the end shut and rounding its shape. Allow the glue to dry.
- 9). Apply hot glue to the surface of the wand in rings, dots, swirls and other patterns to give it areas of raised texture. Allow the glue to dry.
- 10
Apply two light coats of dark brown spray paint to the wand, allowing each coat to dry fully. - 11
Dip a paint brush in a light brown acrylic paint, then wipe most of it back off on a newspaper. - 12
Brush the remaining paint onto the wand. This is called drybrushing, and will simulate a wood grain. - 13
Paint the raised hot glue areas with gold or silver paint. - 14
Spray the wand with two coats of acrylic enamel spray to seal the paint and give the wand a shine.