The Best Way to Get My Ex Back - This Will Save You Lots of Emotional Pain and Torture
Instead of trying out ways that could freak your ex into vanishing like a magician's rabbit, use the best way to win back your ex for good.
oYou should introspect on the mistakes made by both you and your ex that led to the breakup.
This will prepare you to say the right words and take the right actions when you meet up with your ex.
If you go unprepared, you would only worsen an already-worse situation.
oDuring the time of introspection, make sure that you disappear from your ex's sights.
This will cause your ex to worry about you and he/she might also start to miss you.
When your soul has been calmed, your thoughts collected and your heart made up to win back your ex then re-appear back into his/her sights but stay away from your ex.
oInstead of begging, crying or clinging to your ex, wipe away those salty tears and concentrate on getting your life back in order.
Let your ex observe a new and mature you emerge from the old shell of a tired and frayed you.
Your ex will be filled with new-found respect for you.
oWhile you seemingly settle into your new life minus your ex, your ex too will be filled with feelings of loneliness and might also worry that you might simply close the chapter that you spent with him/her and move on in life.
This will drive your ex out of his/her own stubborn shell and he/she will approach you for reconciliation.
Keep calm while eliminating each point that had caused the rift in your old relationship before walking happily into the arms and life of your relieved ex.