How Men and Women View Relationships - How to Win Him Back
It sounded innocent enough when you rehearsed it with your girls.
However, their reaction was not even close to his reaction.
Try to remember that men and women think differently.
You are not the first woman that has had to deal with this situation.
You can learn a lesson from the countless others that have been in your shoes.
Men don't run from commitment; instead they run from a woman they don't want a commitment from.
Men don't pull away from the relationship because you can animate a story that brings the house down.
They withdraw when your stories starts to embarrass or belittle them.
Men don't want their fears pointed out, whether or not you are joking.
It's okay to be funny but certainly not at his expense.
Men see fears or insecurities in a completely different manner than women.
When women see insecurities and fears in a man, she either wants to fix him or grab her keys and run for the door.
When men see insecurities and fears in a woman, he starts calculating how long he can have sex with her before he calls it quits.
When you tell him you don't want your current relationship to end like the previous relationship, he'll begin to think that you have learned nothing from it and feel the mistakes are doomed to repeat themselves.
He wants your issues to be in order when you both sit down to the table.
Men and women tend date to have fun.
Men want to have fun with someone that is easygoing and lively.
He wants someone that is good on the inside and will project that good inside outside.
Men want to date women that are sexy but they will commit to a woman that is emotionally grounded.
Learn how to conquer your insecurities and channel your fears so that you are in control of your life.
There is a time and a place for everything.
If you must talk about your fears and insecurities, present them using a positive perspective.
Ensure the atmosphere is appropriate for the talk.
You must also ensure the topic is appropriate for the conversation.
When you tell talk about yourself, don't forget to include your growth progress.
Let him know that you are aware of your flaws and are in control.
Be confident in knowing your shortcomings and be proactive in resolving them.
Confidence is not something you can fake so it's important to have it.
Better yourself and practice your swagger.
Women who carry themselves like they can face anything intrigue men.
In fact, for many men, it's quite a turn on.