Technology Goes Green - Life in the Digital Age
Living in the digital age is a reflection of how far our technology has grown. I've had conversations with seniors about the inventions of automobiles and television and how it changed life around them. What I believe I have heard is for every upside of technology there is a downside, which seems natural. That old saying applies here, what goes up must come down. Automobiles made it easy to travel, work farther from your home and get away. You explored the world a bit. You gained experience, now you could feel dissatisfied with your own life. Television made it easier to advertise, fantasize, and have information from all over the world. We are at the beginnings of commercialism. The good and the bad. We realised we were not alone. The world became naked, the sheets were pulled off the bed. Now, there's nowhere to hide.
Amazingly, we have just come out of an analog world rising into a digital age. I'm not only talking about media and videos. I'm suggesting every piece of machinery in your home has some form of digital chip or display involved in the mechanics of the machine. With continued developments of technology we will be using advanced equipment in our personal life, homes, cars and offices. Making us more reliant on the intelligence of these digital pieces. They do make life easier. I don't have to think about how to spell a word, it's checked for me.
Since, I am an advocate of environmental sustainability I would like to see the creation of digital sustainability included in that phrase. What if we chose to use parts made out of sustainable materials? Energy needed to fuel our digital tech needs to be addressed. It should be local, easily accessible and cheap. Yes, I said cheap!
Camera's are already into the digital age. You no longer have to print out pictures. You no longer need film. You can hold them on a USB flashdrive and download on any computer or digital frame. We don't waste paper or use toxic chemicals to create the pictures. Yes, we still have to address energy use. I'm still looking for a display that has a tactile photo album feeling. A display that has a reminiscent feel of a photo album. Considering the infantcy of digital camera's, they are weighing in nicely.
Cell phone companies have started to think about "green" no, not money green but environmental green. Credo's cell phone company has a green policy. Nokia has energy efficient chargers and eco friendly materials. More company's are using recycled resources in the materials, an example would be Samsung's Evergreen. Company's are starting to listen to what the consumers say. We want choice with green products.
Overall living in the digital age isn't so bad. We have issues to address as every generation does. Hey, the common man can write an opinion on a digital platform where anyone can choose to read it. It's got my vote.