Does Penis Enlargement Really Work?- Great Tips on What Works
Truthfully, gentlemen, there is no sure fire, quick shot method of making your penis grow larger and longer by taking a pill or rubbing in a cream.
Why? The penis is an organ and it requires blood to work properly.
Blood is what fills the erectile tissue of your penis and causes it to get hard.
If the blood doesn't flow and fill up that tissue, there is no amount of wishing, hoping, or pill popping that is going to make it happen.
Let's take at look at the methods out there to make your penis larger.
Penis enlargement pills, usually herbal extracts of some kind, promise to give you a longer, thicker penis.
How? Do these pills force the blood down to your organ and bam! you've got a massive member? Depends on how well you believe the claims.
While pills of any type - be it prescribed or herbal - may help some men, they will not help all.
Plus, they can be dangerous as the pills could force too much blood to your penis and rob it from the heart.
Men may joke about dying during sex, but it could be a truer prospect than most believe.
Creams rubbed onto the penis are simply going to be rubbed off before it can soak into the erectile tissue.
And if it's not rubbed off, then the active ingredients in the creams will hit the blood vessels first and be carried away from where you need it instead of carried towards it.
Get ready to cringe.
Penis enlargement surgery includes the cutting of the ligaments that hold the penis to the pelvic bone which allows the penis to move outward from the body more, usually about an inch.
risk of infection and less penile stability are what you are left with.
Going from hard on to flaccid in the middle of sex is not what you were aiming for.
This should be a last resort for any man, and men with erectile dysfunction should just avoid it all together due to the instability factor.
So far the only proven method of enlarging your penis is enlargement exercises.
Just like when you weight lift and help build up muscle and tissue in your arms and legs, exercising your penis by stimulating the spongy tissue to accept more blood and stretching the ligaments in the shaft for additional length is the only method that can give you up to three more inches in length and an added inch in girth.
Weigh the options and go for the one that is the most natural method of improving what you've already got.