What to Do to Get Back With Your Ex
They want to go in a different direction.
They think they don't love you.
This happens every day and most people don't deal with the break-up appropriately.
Some people react with depression, some jump into another relationship immediately, some people get violent and end up in jail.
You may or may not know but there is steps you can take that will help you get back your ex if you think she or he is the one.
There is a lot of help out there to teach you how you can do it.
The following are 3 steps you should take immediately after your break up.
When you are told that your relationship with the love of your life is over, many emotions start going through your mind.
There is disbelieve, upset, you may even think that your life is over.
The first thing you should do is stop what you are doing.
This may mean call off from work or don't go to school, whatever it is you normally do, cancel it.
Most importantly, do not call your EX for any reason what so ever.
Calling them does not help your or her situation.
Take that day to reflect, cry and think about what you really want or need.
You may want to go take a walk, go to a movie.
Take time to reflect and think.
This is to help you get ready for the upcoming days.
The next few days are not going to be easy but taking the day to calm down and reflect on what just happen to you will drastically help you deal with what is upcoming.
Now what do you do the following days? In most instances, people think that they need to call their EX very often and tell them they love them or they miss them like they magically forgot.
Your EX knows you love them so it is important for you to remember that they broke up with you.
What they need is to be reminded that they love you, not the other way around.
You will not achieve that by calling them, sending flowers or balloons with pretty little notes etc.
Your emotions are very unstable at this point so resist any urges you may have to contact them in any way.
At this point, it is time to build a strategy, a plan.
Now this may sound like a business but all successful businesses had a goal, established a plan and executed it.
In your case, your goal is to get back with your EX, what is your plan? How are you going to executed it? Don't be over confident.
This is not going to be an easy process and it will take time.
Take it one day at the time and follow the plan you have established.
Remember, they know you love them; they just need to know they still love you.