Three Common Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition that is characterized by the disruption in the way that the body processes carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are broken down from complex to simple sugars, called glucose.
When glucose levels remain too high in the body, it can cause malfunction of multiple important processes.
These complications can be devastating! Three common complications of diabetes are: 1.
Diabetic Nephropathy: Diabetic nephropathy means that the kidneys are damaged by high blood sugar levels.
Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and a top cause of renal transplant and dialysis.
The best way to prevent kidney failure is to maintain good sugar control and to complete routine testing.
Your doctor should check your kidney function using both urine and blood tests every year.
Diabetic Neuropathy: Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that is characterized by damage to the nerve cells due to high glucose levels.
When these levels are high the nerves that are responsible for sensation and regulation of certain body processes are affected and damaged.
The most commonly affected nerves are the nerves that supply the hands and feet.
This condition is called peripheral neuropathy, which is a condition that results in loss of sensation in the hands and feet.
Patients that have neuropathy can suffer from difficult regulating heart rate, temperature and difficulties with sensation.
Diabetic neuropathy contributes to foot complications that can lead to infection and amputations.
Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy means that there is damage to the retina of the eyes due to persistently elevated blood sugar levels.
Diabetes is the leading cause of adult blindness.
For this reason, it is important that all patients with diabetes be screened by an ophthalmologist annually.
Type 2 diabetics should start their exams within the first year of diagnosis while type 1 diabetics can wait a few years before they have their first eye exam.
The progression of all of these conditions can be slowed through strict blood sugar control.
To achieve good blood glucose levels the patient should follow his diabetic diet, stick to his prescribed medications and exercise.
Patients that work hard to improve their sugars and monitor their progress will have the best results and fewest complications.
It is very important that all patients with diabetes see their doctor routinely and complete the necessary screening tests.
Early detection, coupled with good sugar control is truly one of the key components to a long life with this condition that does not have to result in these tragic complications
Carbohydrates are broken down from complex to simple sugars, called glucose.
When glucose levels remain too high in the body, it can cause malfunction of multiple important processes.
These complications can be devastating! Three common complications of diabetes are: 1.
Diabetic Nephropathy: Diabetic nephropathy means that the kidneys are damaged by high blood sugar levels.
Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and a top cause of renal transplant and dialysis.
The best way to prevent kidney failure is to maintain good sugar control and to complete routine testing.
Your doctor should check your kidney function using both urine and blood tests every year.
Diabetic Neuropathy: Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that is characterized by damage to the nerve cells due to high glucose levels.
When these levels are high the nerves that are responsible for sensation and regulation of certain body processes are affected and damaged.
The most commonly affected nerves are the nerves that supply the hands and feet.
This condition is called peripheral neuropathy, which is a condition that results in loss of sensation in the hands and feet.
Patients that have neuropathy can suffer from difficult regulating heart rate, temperature and difficulties with sensation.
Diabetic neuropathy contributes to foot complications that can lead to infection and amputations.
Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy means that there is damage to the retina of the eyes due to persistently elevated blood sugar levels.
Diabetes is the leading cause of adult blindness.
For this reason, it is important that all patients with diabetes be screened by an ophthalmologist annually.
Type 2 diabetics should start their exams within the first year of diagnosis while type 1 diabetics can wait a few years before they have their first eye exam.
The progression of all of these conditions can be slowed through strict blood sugar control.
To achieve good blood glucose levels the patient should follow his diabetic diet, stick to his prescribed medications and exercise.
Patients that work hard to improve their sugars and monitor their progress will have the best results and fewest complications.
It is very important that all patients with diabetes see their doctor routinely and complete the necessary screening tests.
Early detection, coupled with good sugar control is truly one of the key components to a long life with this condition that does not have to result in these tragic complications