Aquatic Weed Control: Schoenoplectus
- Bulrushes grow in dense colonies in water, and their seeds are important food sources for a variety of birds. The plants are generally tall, leafless, triangular stems with clusters of small inflorescences consisting of bracts growing on stem tips. The bracts are either leaf- or stem-like in form.
- You can control the growth of bulrushes by cutting down the plants and then digging their rhizomes out of the ground. This method is effective with smaller colonies of plants; in larger areas, the plant regrows easily from seeds and any leftover rhizomes.
- The use of glyphosate is one of the most effective chemical control options for bulrush, according to the Texas A&M University Extension. The systemic herbicide is sold under different trade names and works by being absorbed through plant roots and translocating throughout the plant. Adding an aquatically registered surfactant to glyphosate helps to increase the efficacy of the herbicide.