Enlarging Your Penis Naturally - 3 Simple Steps to Getting a Bigger Penis
They no longer want to try other methods as the word on a lot of the products out there is not very good.
After all, if you can make your penis bigger naturally, then that is the way I would suggest that you do it.
The only problem is that you may not know how to do this or where to even begin looking.
Well, you do not have to look any further.
Here are 3 simple steps to enlarging your penis naturally.
Step 1 - The Warm Up Ok, the first thing that you want to do is warm up your penis.
This allows for better blood flow and gets your penis ready for the next steps.
The way you do this is by running a cloth under warm water and then wrapping the cloth around your penis.
If you are in the shower, you can simply allow the warm water to run on your penis.
Do this for a few minutes without letting yourself having a full on erection.
However, you do want to get yourself semi-erect.
If you have a full erection, this process will not work.
Step 2 - The Technique Once you have warmed up your penis and it is in a semi-erect state, it is now time for you to begin the process of enlarging your penis naturally.
Go ahead and lubricate your penis.
Take the tip of your index finger and touch it to the tip of your thumb making a ring, or an 'OK' sign.
Then take this ring and place it at the base of your penis.
Now tighten this ring around your manhood but make sure it is not too tight.
Then keeping the firm ring intact, move it towards the head of your penis.
Once you are at the top, release the ring and bring it back down to the base and do it again.
Step 3 - Make It Routine You want to do 10 reps of these, three times a day.
You also want to make sure that you do not do this fast.
The point here is not to have an orgasm but to cause blood to engorge the tissue of your penis.
Do this every day for at least three months.
I know this may sound like a lot but these kinds of things do take time whether you like it or not.
Just do not give up.