Problems Faced by Russian Immigrants
- Once an unimaginable prospect during the Communist era, Russian immigration to America has grown popular for people interested in starting fresh. Yet Russian-Americans face several problems unique to their culture. Besides adjusting to an alien country and learning its language, Russian immigrants must also cope with stereotypes of themselves as Mafia-style criminals and spies. Adding to these various challenges is the threat of exploitation from employers willing to overlook limited fluency in English.
- Lack of English fluency poses roadblocks to acculturation, and Russian immigrants are no exception. For example, many aspiring truckers show limited English-speaking and comprehension skills, "Time" magazine reported in September 2010. Many applicants for truck-driving exams admitted feeling more comfortable with using their home country's Cyrillic alphabet, which could be a safety problem if they have trouble reading highway signs. Despite these challenges, however, the industry continues to attract Russian immigrants -- who regard limited English as less important than the chance to support their families.
- Adjusting to another culture is a daunting task, particularly for children, the New York Community Media Alliance reported in 2009. Students voiced self-consciousness about not picking up English, or feeling out of place with local culture. For example, a student from the Republic of Udmurtia recounted feeling strange because he was the only person who rose to greet his teacher -- which is customary in Russia, but not the United States. Parents must often call on psychologists and counselors to help.
- Often regarded as a single faceless group, many Russian immigrants see themselves as distinctly different entities. The arrest of 10 alleged spies in New York's Brighton Beach area provided one such reminder, "The Jewish Week" reported in July 2010. Russian Jews interviewed for the article expressed strongly dismissive views of their non-Russian-Jewish and Ukrainian neighbors, whom they criticized as materialistic and eager to get ahead at any cost.
- Russian-Americans complain of feeling dogged by Cold War-era stereotypes, pointing to the spying implications raised in the Brighton Beach case as one example. Another instance followed the 1997 slaying of comedian Bill Cosby's son, Ennis. Russian-American leaders blasted Los Angeles police for linking Ukrainian-born suspect Mikail Markhasev to Russian Mafia rings. Police agencies countered that such groups definitely existed, and many Russian emigres were actively involved in them.
- For Russians fleeing the collapse of their country's trucking industry, earning money elsewhere is an irresistible idea. The reality is different in America, however. Bureau of Labor Statistics figures showed truckers earned a median wage of $37,730 in 2009 -- versus $45,000 for a family of four. Many foreign-born drivers leave the industry, since the dollars and working hours do not add up, says Todd Spencer, executive vice president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association.