Chronic Inflammation and Diet
Recent studies have indicated that chronic inflammation could in part be responsible for the development of diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
What causes chronic inflammation? Assorted factors apparently are to blame.
For example, toxins, stress, inactivity, poor diet, and genetics are some of the suspected culprits.
How can chronic inflammation be addressed? Here are some dietary ways to reduce the risk.
Exercise, yoga, and tossing the cigarettes (if you smoke) reinforce an anti-inflammatory diet.
Chronic inflammation? Who needs it? More information on health & wellness tips.
What causes chronic inflammation? Assorted factors apparently are to blame.
For example, toxins, stress, inactivity, poor diet, and genetics are some of the suspected culprits.
How can chronic inflammation be addressed? Here are some dietary ways to reduce the risk.
- Food choices.
What we put in our bodies plays a significant role in our well-being.
People who regularly consume fast food, processed meats, fatty snacks, and greasy meals do not fare nearly as well on the health scale than individuals who eat more wisely.
In fact, these people are leaving themselves open to an increased risk of obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other unwanted conditions.
In short, food matters! Which selections tend to be best? Fermented soy, leafy vegetables, assorted mushrooms, fresh fruits, extra-virgin olive oil, cold-water fish, green and black tea, nuts, and red wine (in moderation) are good choices.
At the same time, it is also important to buy organic whenever feasible.
As we know, organic crops are those that have not been sprayed with pesticides. - Vitamins and nutrients.
Naturally, the optimal way for getting essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in the body is by eating whole foods: fresh vegetables and fruits are especially good choices.
Still, regular access to fresh food is not always possible for some people.
Because of this, high-quality supplements may be needed.
Which types are best in fighting inflammation? Ones that contain vitamins C, D, and E, folic acid, selenium, carotenoids, fish oil, coQ10, tumeric or cucumin, garlic, and ginger.
NOTE: Always check with your doctor before taking supplements: certain types may interfere with medication or exacerbate the effects of certain drugs (like blood thinners). - Fiber.
Fiber deserves a category all its own because its benefits are amazing.
Regular intake of this wonder has been thought to decrease conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, and certain cancers.
Which type of fiber is best in combating inflammation? The soluble variety like those found in beans, oat bran, lentils, apples, nuts, seeds, and strawberries.
Insoluble types like those found in whole grains and wheat bran also serve a purpose because they tend to get things moving along in our digestive tract.
Taking in between 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day, with approximately 2/3 coming from the soluble assortment, is thought to be positive.
Interestingly, while other carbohydrates, like white flour and sugar, should be shunned as much as possible, soluble fiber carbs are definitely not bad guys.
Exercise, yoga, and tossing the cigarettes (if you smoke) reinforce an anti-inflammatory diet.
Chronic inflammation? Who needs it? More information on health & wellness tips.