Ways You Can Win Her Back
These might range from very benign to creepy stalking and everything in the middle.
The best result will come from somewhere in between the two extremes: if you don't take enough action, she might not even notice you want her back.
If you get too aggressive, you could scare her and lose her forever.
When coming up with ways to win her back, make sure you always remain respectful of her wishes and maintain perspective.
It is a good idea to run your ideas by a friend, preferably a woman who knows both of you, who will help you determine if your ideas will be well received.
Ways to win her back: 1.
Find out the root of the problem and fix it.
This is the most important, and most effective, thing you can do to get your ex-girlfriend back.
If she left you, there was probably a reason.
Even if she didn't come right out and tell you, there were probably little hints in the things she said or the way she reacted to things you did during your relationship.
If you really want her back, you'll figure out what that was and find a way to fix it.
Remember all the stuff that you never remembered.
Did she want to go up to Cedar Ridge for the past three years, and you never got there? Does she like Reuben sandwiches with pickles and no kraut? Think of the stuff that you do know about her that no one else does, and leverage that for a romantic gesture.
Remembering the little things reminds her of how close you really are and reminds her of the good parts about you.
Make a big, romantic gesture.
This is one of the classic ways to win her back, and it always works in the movies.
It doesn't always work in real life, but if you at least try, you have a chance.
Do something that will take a lot of planning to show that you really want her back and are willing to do almost anything legal to do it.
This has to be something very personal to work--Posting "I love you, Snookums" on a billboard or passing blimp is pretty grand, but it's also overdone (at least in movies) and impersonal.
Is there something she always wanted to do but couldn't? Make it happen.
Is there something she wanted you to do, but you wouldn't because it was embarrassing or difficult? Do it.
Don't be a dog.
While you're broken up, don't seal the deal by being a jerk.
If you want to win her back, don't sleep around and trash talk her behind her back.
She'll be so mad she'll never take you back! Instead, be a gentleman and don't do anything you'd be ashamed of or wouldn't want her to know about.
If your girlfriend has left you, there are a lot of ways to win her back.
The key is to be sincere and personal, not cheesy.
Above all, be respectful of her wishes--if she really doesn't want you back, you may eventually have to accept that.