Want an 8" Erection? Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Natural Penis Enlargement
However, you must stay away from all of the bad information out there.
What do I mean? Well, penis pills ARE NOT considered natural penis enlargement.
In fact, pills are 100% scams.
Allow me to answer some frequently asked questions regarding natural penis enlargement in this article.
Is Natural Penis Enlargement Possible? It is 100% possible, but as I mentioned above, it's not possible with pills, and it's not possible with pumps.
In fact, both of these things are in no way natural.
Sure, there are herbs and supplements in pills, but our definition of natural is needing nothing other then what you already have to make your penis bigger.
So, What Is Natural And Works? Natural penis exercises use your OWN TWO HANDS to permanently enlarge your penis.
At first this might sound pretty crazy, but once I explain the process and the science behind it, you'll quickly understand how it's so effective.
How Do Penis Exercises Work? There are very special exercises that you can do to enlarge your penis by using your own two hands.
Now, you will hold your penis using special grips that will allow you to apply pressure to important parts of your penis.
The first important part: The Corpora Cavernosa These are chambers that run the entire length of your penis.
When you become erect, it's a result of blood entering these chambers and being held there until you ejaculate.
Now, penis exercises target these chambers with pressure that is just strong enough to cause cellular division within your manhood.
This permanently enlarge the chambers, which means you have just permanently enlarged your penis.
The second important part: Supsensory Ligament This is a ligament that is found on the top for your penis near the base.
If you gently pull at your penis, you should be able to very easily feel it.
You will also notice that it prevents your penis from moving too far forward.
Penis exercises will work to elongate this ligament to help you become longer.
While this is not the only aspect of getting longer, it is one of the most important.
You Can Add Between 1-3" It's absolutely, 100% possible.
It won't happen in a day, however.
These exercises require that you do them a few times a week for 6-10 minutes.
You'll begin to see yourself getting bigger in less than two weeks, and when you do your gains are yours for life.