Perseverance: The Secret to Success
Do you remember the last time you withdraw? It’s maybe not very late and away from your memory. Maybe it’s been very near that you feel displeasure and resentment right away when you remember it. It’s not important! Everybody had lapses. Whether for a student spending several semesters in university, or a divorced couple, or an athletic in competence field, or a researcher in a researching course, or a businessman in an investing project . . .
As we said, it’s not important; rather what is important is to know how not to lapse hereafter, not to have withdrawing and not to leave the arena blank. The Important thing is that to know we don’t have too much time, even if anyone has the right for lapse but it’s not allowed to use that! The important thing is to know we don’t have much time that with timorousness and fearing, dissipate future opportunities too.
This time, is the time for being pragmatic. This time, is the time for committing and following up and having courageous. At this moment we have to be bullheaded for achieving to desires. Exactly a goal directed bullheaded!?
If you want to achieve your goal, you have to follow it and have perseverance and for being able to follow and to expend perseverance you have to be as a child!? Do you remember your childhood? Do you ever remember how you were persisting for having a doll, a toy truck or even an ice cream? Do you remember how much you were bull headed and the same recalcitrance, was conducting you to most of your desires?
Maybe the main problem of the human today is that we have forgotten our past, or for some reasons such as other’s criticizing, prejudices of society, expression or sneers of people, we don’t want to behave as that time. In fact we don’t want to be ourselves; we don’t want to continue to live as we are. And in return we inclined to converting to not a personality but new personalities that directed us from the outside.
A few days ago I was seeing a child in a restaurant that caused me to return to my childhood memorabilia. That little boy was saying: “I, do, not, want, this, food!” because his parent ignore his taste for choosing the food. As simple as this! I don’t want this food, I don’t like this condition, I want peace, I have to change, I have to achieve my goal, I have to be better! What do we want and don’t want? How much courageous we are to defend our desires and the more important thing is that, how much we have courageous to not to provide and supply other people’s useless expectations?!
Having perseverance is a skill, and the good news is that it is possible to learn any skill, on condition that we learn the principal of them, and repeat and exercise them. If we want to have perseverance, we have to be ourselves before anything. We have to refer to our genuineness. We have to give up fears, to disapprove non issue expression and ideas of others and refer to our egos. We have to be ourselves; we have to be more serious.
Throw a glance at yourself!? You probably don’t laugh much because people call you slight, you don’t eat food with much appetite because people don’t confirm your behavior, you don’t joy because people around you call you happy go lucky. But you have to accept these are your reality. These are things that show you, who are you really? These are things that specify your talents, abilities and your position. You have to be yourself and be far from being distant from yourself. You have been created in this way, and you have to accept that this is your reality. You cannot sell your expedient to God’s expedient!?
Just a genuine human and who is trying to be the true ego, can expend perseverance to the end. Timorous people are who change their ways and choose another way for running each time and according to anyone’s promise. People who are not themselves, are constantly affected by other’s opinions, are the illustration of the story of that son and father that once the father ride on the donkey once the son, once also both of them were walking and finally the donkey ride on both of them!
Be honest with yourself. See where is that you are far from yourself. Look where you ignore yourself. Look at around and accept your causeless withdrawing and instead of that and with all of your power, with your entire ego, emit onward command. And don’t stop even for a moment.
A grand has said: “To have peace, never deny your experiences and beliefs”! Your experiences and beliefs indicate your personality. They express who you are, and what abilities you have. If you leave them on the ground, people don’t fear for trampling and crushing them, and they wont shy even a little and one who disparage his/her experiences and beliefs in this way, he/she have nothing anymore to continue. The basis and pillar and fuel of our perseverance are the lessons we have learned and the beliefs we have. Value them and arise to convey your message to people. Once you don’t deny your experiences and beliefs you’ve believed yourself. If you want people believe you first you need to accept and believe yourself. After that universe believes you and seeks you.
Self believed people who protect their self esteem, always have a goal. Goal and goal directing is a strong and secure support for having perseverance. People, who have a goal, are aware of its importance; they are on perseverance course goal directed and patient. They accept difficulties and always remain decisive in choosing desires but they expend flexibility on the way to achieve them.
You always refer to yourself when you have a goal and through the self image and the mental image that you acquire from having a goal. You always remind to yourself who you are and what you want, what are you and what mission is leaved inside you. When you are goal directed, your experiences and beliefs are reminding constantly and with their support and in respect to them, you know, giving up means forgetting yourself, ignoring beliefs and experiences, losing dreams and becoming a weak person. Giving up means forgetting self image and all of the positive mental images you’ve had from yourself in future and future’s conditions. Giving up means we forget that in fact “this world is the change world not the fate world!”
Someone who is self believed has chosen her/him goals and is flexible about the way achieving them will be eager for learning. You need to be likewise too. You have to learn a new point every day; you have to try to be better every day. You need to see where is your perpetual improvement and progress because people who don’t pay attention to continuous improvement and progress, they don’t reach to higher levels, and people who have halt at the beginning point they never come up bigger problems and inevitably they abandon the arena. What you know determines your perseverance and what you will learn determine that how much you will be unfailing and expend perseverance against probable difficulties in future.
Any way, perseverance is rather a propensity, it’s a desire, and it’s a belief from inside. When we don’t reach to a belief of ability, sometimes we give up sooner than it should be. Sometimes we lost ourselves sooner than what can be stayed and we remise the occasions.
To break a big stone, just one hit is not enough. It’s required to hit several times. It’s required to hit unceasingly. It’s required to thump unceasingly, it have to think unceasingly to collapse the stone and continue to hit.
Perseverance is the first and last secret of any triumph. At the beginning you have to contract with yourself never give up until achieving the result. At the beginning you have to contract with yourself hit enough until problems collapse and crushed. A human is something more than a name, more than being day to day and it’s the amount of oneself perseverance and persistence that show him that who is he really.
Don’t fear from the conditions. Go through them bravely, encounter them, and think seriously about resolving challenges and crises, and commit. Our answers in crisis condition and hard nesses show us who we are really.
Hard and complicated condition is like sport exercises. Problems cause to increase our learning from ourselves and our environment. Problems cause to reach to a higher level of consciousness and also increase our endurance against difficulties in future. So welcome to the body building club of mind and perseverance!?
People who caption the perseverance, they always were praiseworthy and their name has been indelible in history. Indeed who are you apart all of other’s dictations and wrong beliefs you have about yourself until today?!!