Understanding the Different Plastic Surgery Procedures
Plastic surgery is a huge industry in the US- almost worth $13 billion! Unfortunately, although approximately 11.7 million cosmetic procedures are performed every year, not many are aware of the different techniques that are involved in cosmetic surgery. Here's a list of the different procedures that are performed every year:
Breast Augmentation: This process involves giving you the feeling of fuller breasts by placing implants behind each breast. Sometimes the silicone bags (implants) are placed between the breast and the chest muscle and then filled with saline water, thereby giving you the feeling of a fuller breast. Physicians sometimes use textured or smooth implants.
Liposuction: Liposuction refers to the process of removing excess fat from the body, thereby creating a vacuum. Probable areas for fat removal include stomach, buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts, back, arms, and neck liposuction. Fat is removed by inserted a hollow metal tube that passes through the fatty tissues. While some doctors remove fat by attaching a pump to the cannula, others use a motor that is attached to the cannula that vacillates back and forth to breakdown fat tissues. Sometimes, a laser technique is used to remove fat cells. This procedure is ideal for those dealing with fat that doesn't seem to melt even with the most rigorous exercise and diet regime.
Blepharoplasty: This process refers to the removal of excess skin in the upper eye lid and pouches under the eyes. It is ideal for people with droopy eyes and can be done on one eye or both. The loose and saggy skin on the upper eye lid can sometimes distort vision and even disturb the natural contour of the skin. But blepharoplasty can cure all such problems.
Rhinoplasty: This is probably the most common of all cosmetic surgery procedures and sometimes done in conjunction with facelifts. Physicians don't usually advice rhinoplasty unless the patient is an adult and the nose is fully developed. It can be done to correct noses that look too large or too wide, nasal tips that droop, nostrils that looked flared, or noses that look asymmetrical. Sometimes noses that look crooked can also be rectified. The process is done by removing small wedges of skin to narrow the base and reduce the width of the nostrils.
There are several other such procedures; make sure that your physician explains the risks of the procedure before undergoing it.
Breast Augmentation: This process involves giving you the feeling of fuller breasts by placing implants behind each breast. Sometimes the silicone bags (implants) are placed between the breast and the chest muscle and then filled with saline water, thereby giving you the feeling of a fuller breast. Physicians sometimes use textured or smooth implants.
Liposuction: Liposuction refers to the process of removing excess fat from the body, thereby creating a vacuum. Probable areas for fat removal include stomach, buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts, back, arms, and neck liposuction. Fat is removed by inserted a hollow metal tube that passes through the fatty tissues. While some doctors remove fat by attaching a pump to the cannula, others use a motor that is attached to the cannula that vacillates back and forth to breakdown fat tissues. Sometimes, a laser technique is used to remove fat cells. This procedure is ideal for those dealing with fat that doesn't seem to melt even with the most rigorous exercise and diet regime.
Blepharoplasty: This process refers to the removal of excess skin in the upper eye lid and pouches under the eyes. It is ideal for people with droopy eyes and can be done on one eye or both. The loose and saggy skin on the upper eye lid can sometimes distort vision and even disturb the natural contour of the skin. But blepharoplasty can cure all such problems.
Rhinoplasty: This is probably the most common of all cosmetic surgery procedures and sometimes done in conjunction with facelifts. Physicians don't usually advice rhinoplasty unless the patient is an adult and the nose is fully developed. It can be done to correct noses that look too large or too wide, nasal tips that droop, nostrils that looked flared, or noses that look asymmetrical. Sometimes noses that look crooked can also be rectified. The process is done by removing small wedges of skin to narrow the base and reduce the width of the nostrils.
There are several other such procedures; make sure that your physician explains the risks of the procedure before undergoing it.