How Can I Keep My Marriage? Express Yourself With Courage and Confidence
Even if you're just standing near you can almost feel a buzz of energy around them.
That's why when you have an incident and separate from your other half it feels like your energy has been stolen.
You try your best to get that buzz or feeling back but it won't come back.
You say, I want to keep my marriage alive or get my ex back, because you all of a sudden realize just how much this person energized your life.
You love this person and the last thing you want to do is hurt them.
Do they know that? Too often we get comfortable with our loved one's presence.
We forget the simple things that we did to make this person realize that we have special feelings for them, that we would swim the ocean's to be with them.
It's very easy to make sure someone knows you still feel this way.
Tell them.
Simply say to them "I want to keep my marriage alive".
To some, that's not simple advice.
It is a simple fact that not all people have the confidence or courage to tell someone how they honestly feel.
Figuring out what to say and when to say it is a learned skill.
Some are born with the "gift of gab", while other go through life and have to experience the bumps and bruises, only still to gain a minimal skill in timing.
Saying the wrong thing at the right time can have just as positive an outcome as the right thing at the right time.
Everyone is subject to this rule because our basis of communicating depends on timing.
Timing is the keystone to all communication.
"We've been together for years.
She should know I want to keep my marriage alive"...
wrong! No matter how long you have loved someone it's amazing how you can still have to work on the right words to say.
There's no avoiding this part of a makeup.
This talk is vital to your reunion because this is where you express yourself about the issues that caused you to get to this point.
Everyone needs to speak up and express what they want out of a relationship.
And not just from this relationship, but from a relationship in general.
Asking for a life, how you picture it making you happy, will affect you on a daily basis, and is not asking for something extraordinary.
Know what you want.
Get the skills that will give you the confidence to express yourself properly, and when you express yourself ask for what will make your life happy.
What and when you say it is the key to you not having to ask how I can keep my marriage.