Getting Back together With Your Ex Using A Very Powerful But Almost Forgotten Strategy
This makes talking to them impossible. Or does it. Is there one way that you have not even thought about?
Today to show that you really do care and are prepared to make an effort, forget about sending flowers, chocolates and what everyone else does, sit down and write a hand written letter.
This puts you in a very small group of people who try things differently. The trick is how you get them to open the letter. Normally when the mail comes anything that looks like junk mail is tossed in the bin without being opened, bills are dealt with and anything that draws their attention is opened.
You must appeal to their curiosity. A handwritten address is only a good idea if they do not recognize your writing. They might still be blocking any communication from you.
When you write the letter, you want to make it worth them reading. Negative comments or blame are going to go straight into the bin. Offer a sincere apology and talk about a future. If you have made changes tell them about what you have done. It is better to say what you have actually done in the way of positive changes rather than what you are going to do. Do not make it a begging letter; people are always turned off by a needy person.
Suggest a coffee or drink in the future, leave it for them to contact you.
Once you have sent your letter, just get on with getting yourself together and wait for them to contact you. If they feel any pressure chances are they will still avoid contact so although it can be unnerving have patience.