The Thought And Manifestation Farm
Life, existence and the brain are the thought and manifestation farm.
I will explain this unique concept of thinking in the coming paragraphs of words.
But first, I want you to visualize a farm.
This is not just any farm.
This is your thought farm where you plant positive thoughts that are akin to good, edible corn instead of negative thoughts that are like night shade poison or thistles.
Where there are so many seeds that come up on your corn plant that you can eat most of them and still have seed harvest for the next planting.
Now that you have visualized this, go on to the next paragraphs.
Life and existence are simply a farm of action and manifestation, just like the land.
Only it is far more fertile and mysterious than that land.
Sure, this is obvious, but the processes, although bigger and more amazing are basically the same.
Sure, this is going to be a "basic, bare bones article," but all the same it is a pertinent article pertaining to the one reality we all face.
We become what we think about and we reap what we sow.
Sure, I mentioned two variations on that one reality, but it is one reality.
Undiversified and indivisible in every genuine way that counts.
Listen, I subscribe to the monistic reality that all existence is one in this way, even if seems to be differentiated by different forms.
Everything does what it does in the same way, as atoms, electrons, protons, nucleus points and all of the other combinations of structure that make up reality.
In a humorous, yet totally serious way, consider it the law beyond all constitutional law God or man made of any sort, it is objective existence.
That may be an extreme explanation of what is going on here, but it is the most truthfully honest one I can muster at this time.
For in this objective way, life is genuinely a farm in this way.
As for the brain with all its axons, cells, neurons and supposed mystery secretions, it operates in the same way as the rest of farming and nature, in that what we concentrate on with this organ we create more of in that "farming" way.
In fact the most used parts of the brain specialize just like a farm that grows corn, grows corn, or a farm that grows tomatoes, grows tomatoes or even a farm that grows cotton, grows cotton.
So, when I say life is a thought and manifestation farm, you know exactly what I mean even from rudimentary examples like I am giving in this article.
When you think, you are manifesting like tilling soil, when you let the thoughts work and expand, you are actively manifesting.
I finally quote the Upanishad Hindu texts to end: "When a blade of grass is cut, the universe quivers.
I will explain this unique concept of thinking in the coming paragraphs of words.
But first, I want you to visualize a farm.
This is not just any farm.
This is your thought farm where you plant positive thoughts that are akin to good, edible corn instead of negative thoughts that are like night shade poison or thistles.
Where there are so many seeds that come up on your corn plant that you can eat most of them and still have seed harvest for the next planting.
Now that you have visualized this, go on to the next paragraphs.
Life and existence are simply a farm of action and manifestation, just like the land.
Only it is far more fertile and mysterious than that land.
Sure, this is obvious, but the processes, although bigger and more amazing are basically the same.
Sure, this is going to be a "basic, bare bones article," but all the same it is a pertinent article pertaining to the one reality we all face.
We become what we think about and we reap what we sow.
Sure, I mentioned two variations on that one reality, but it is one reality.
Undiversified and indivisible in every genuine way that counts.
Listen, I subscribe to the monistic reality that all existence is one in this way, even if seems to be differentiated by different forms.
Everything does what it does in the same way, as atoms, electrons, protons, nucleus points and all of the other combinations of structure that make up reality.
In a humorous, yet totally serious way, consider it the law beyond all constitutional law God or man made of any sort, it is objective existence.
That may be an extreme explanation of what is going on here, but it is the most truthfully honest one I can muster at this time.
For in this objective way, life is genuinely a farm in this way.
As for the brain with all its axons, cells, neurons and supposed mystery secretions, it operates in the same way as the rest of farming and nature, in that what we concentrate on with this organ we create more of in that "farming" way.
In fact the most used parts of the brain specialize just like a farm that grows corn, grows corn, or a farm that grows tomatoes, grows tomatoes or even a farm that grows cotton, grows cotton.
So, when I say life is a thought and manifestation farm, you know exactly what I mean even from rudimentary examples like I am giving in this article.
When you think, you are manifesting like tilling soil, when you let the thoughts work and expand, you are actively manifesting.
I finally quote the Upanishad Hindu texts to end: "When a blade of grass is cut, the universe quivers.