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Environmental : Health & Medical
How to Decide Which Gas Saving Products Are Good to Opt For and How to Add Them
There are many gas saving products or additives available in the market that can be added to engine oil or the gas tank to improve fuel efficiency. Before installing them, one should be sure that it actually proves fruitful to give better mileage and hence save money.
Toxic Molds - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You!
TOXIC MOLD - Are molds only something that grows in the bathroom, or are they something bigger that most of us know very little about? The following story may surprise you and shock you!
Treat the Sea With Respect and Take a Hint From Alaska
As with many things in life, we don't always show an adequate level of concern for the objects we take advantage of and supposedly care for.This couldn't be more true than in the case of our (society's) general relationship with the oceans: the simple fact is that we are woefully defi
Inlet Filters As a Solution to Soil Erosion Prevention
Soil erosion is one of the most occurring environmental issues today. The risks are increased due to the rising urbanization combined with the construction projects that take place today. Construction projects always involve ripping up and digging out the land.
BPA and Reproductive Health
According to a new review, while strong evidence exists that BPA is an ovarian and uterine toxicant, questions remain as to its effect on human reproduction.
The Environment: Is Our Dissociation Destroying It?
We live in a time where there is intense focus and even an obsession when it comes to our environment. In many ways, I believe that this is a good thing. The questions that arise for me are; what causes us to act in ways that are so destructive to the environment? And at the same time, why is it tha
Ambient Air Pollution and Adult Asthma Incidence
Might long-term exposure to air pollution be a trigger for adult-onset asthma?
The Green Living Lifestyle - Every Little Helps
Would you like to live greener? The green living lifestyle can start off small and gradually grow. Check out these simple ideas to get started.
Save Your Children's Future - Use Solar Panels
Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity providing unlimited renewable energy source.
A Lesson in Sustainability - Looking at Alaska Salmon Populations
Although the threat has always been there, the last several decades have brought about the realization that many of the natural resources we take for granted will soon run out. Ignoring a great deal of public outcry and firm science, many industries seem intent on running themselves dry before admit
Living Green and Thereby Reducing Our Carbon Footprint and Saving the Earth
Recycling is the simplest and most effective ways that we can help save the environment. There are plenty of different steps that we can take at home where you can separate trash for this purpose. It is convenient if you can buy plastic trash cans and label them for each individual product.
Renewable Energy Renewing UK Jobs
Is Green technology changing the UK job market? What does this mean for job hunters over the next 3-4 years?
Teaching Your Kids About Sustainability and the Joys of Seafood
The first thing to remember when trying to get your kids to do anything is not to be overly forceful. If the situation calls for discipline, you as the parent obviously exercise this right. But when it comes to trying to get your kids to eat healthier foods, you'll definitely need to be patient
Hemp Clothing Is Best for Your Family and Environment
Hemp as an alternative resource works so well because it is economically and environmentally viable and renewable. Hemp clothing is a great way to show your environmental awareness.
Stop Air Pollution Now!
My next car will be a hybrid or something of the like.Exhaust fumes coming from automobiles are one of my biggest pet peeves.In some places in the United States, if your car is older than a specified amount of years, you need to get a smog test done in order to drive it.Sadly, other places seem to b
Praying Through Disasters
Every day when we listen to the news we hear of disasters. There is no need to fear in days when major crisis threatens the cities in which we live.Learn how to live secure when the world around you is shaking. Discover how to prepare and pray through disasters. Find the secret to peace and rest rig
Know the Benefits and Disadvantages of Wind Turbines For Homes
To be able to greatly preserve the environment, many people are aware of avoiding the use of fossil fuels because it can be the number one reason why the environment gets polluted. This is the reason why for the longest time, people turned to solar power as their primary source of producing electric
How Greenpeace Cleaned Up Apple
When the iPhone was released with environmentalist ad copy, a Greenpeace lab found that the device contained toxic components. Apple came around, just as IBM did on CFC solvents 19 years earlier, thanks to the following tactic.
5 Steps to Living Green Without Losing Your Sanity
Does living green sometimes feel like more trouble than it's worth? Like if you hang one more piece of clothing on a line you might lose it? Read these five steps and learn how you can make small choices to live green, make a difference for the health of the planet, and still maintain your sani
2008 Drought Laws Pitting Businesses Against Each Other - Case Study in the Ultimate Controversy
In business, they say there is opportunity in chaos and the drought situation in America is indeed, causing chaos and havoc throughout the nation. With water supplies dwindling and demand way up, we find that the public is pitted against commercial water users. As cities and counties move into Level