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Gardening : Home & Garden
Field Guide to Indian Uses of Wild Plants
Native Americans made use of all they could find for practical purposes, including wild plants. Many wild flowers became an essential part of the Native American culture. Native American tribes had uses for plants that ranged from decorative to medicinal purposes, making wild flowers one...
Tips For Growing a Container Herb Garden
Growing herbs in containers can be a great way to have fresh herbs all year long.Here are some tips that can help get the job done.
Something Important About Making Wine From Grapes
When I was a neophyte in home winemaking, I was a total wreck. It took me about 5 batches to come up with the perfect wine that I can be proud to label as my own. I just wish that there was someone who talked to me about racking as I was starting out. Racking is very important in making wine from gr
Solar Lights - 10 Things to Consider When Selecting Solar Lighting
When selecting solar lights, you must first decide what you want to light up. It may be pathway, a flower garden or just to light up your front door or house number.Whatever it may be, this article wi
Using Lawn Care Sand Correctly
When it comes to lawn care, sand may be a necessary addition.Consider the use of sand in your lawn.
Colour Your Garden
If you were lucky enough to visit the Chelsea Flower Show in May you may, like me, have felt something was missing. Walking past all those great show gardens designed by some of the best garden designers you'll have wondered where all the colours had gone. In fact there were only a handful of g
Top 10 leaf Blower Tips
Buying a leaf blower isn't as simple as it first seems. You can just go and buy the first one that you see, but this can lead to disappointment. We all learn through experience, but that is no use whe
Water Garden Maintenance - How to Water Your Garden
There are some tasks that must be done regularly to keep your balanced pond balanced. Most of the time water garden maintenance is a matter of removing aquatic plants rather than adding to them. Aquatic plants are weeds occurring in swamps and will take over the pond if given a chance.
About Gas Tiki Torches
There are liquid and gas tiki torches. Propane is the preferable choice of many because they do not smoke and last for a very long time. The demand also makes them less expensive. They are also a viable option for green planet advocates because they use natural gas instead of fossil fuels. A third o
Four Things You Stand to Achieve Through Holiday Lighting
There are at least four things that you stand to achieve through the use of holiday lighting. What we are talking about here are those bright (sometimes blinking) lights that are installed during the holiday ...
Insects And Your Garden
Nature has provided plants with various ways to attract pollinating insects, birds and animals.
How to Repel Wasps & Bees
Picnics, barbecues and outdoor activity are popular during the warm and sunny summer months. During the summer, wasps and bees are out in full force as they feed on the sweet nectar of flowers and other insects that flourish during the warmth. While bees and wasps are relatively non-aggressive insec
How to Grow Purple Iris
There are over 300 different species of iris. Some of the varieties of iris that produce purple flowers are iris cristata, batik, ruffled violet and iris techtorum. The black gamecock iris is such a dark purple color that it looks almost black. It can grow as tall as 5 feet in height. In general, th
DIY Metal Grape Arbor
Grapes and their vines are a good crop for home growers. The fruit is valuable in cooking, jam making, wine making and as a raw snack, and a healthy, well-organized orchard is a beautiful site, even on a small scale. To grow grapes successfully, it's important to maintain the vines with a grape arbo
Facts About Tree Lopping Melbourne
Requirement for branches to be lopped off regularly Trees are as essential to life as water because of the fact that they provide the oxygen we need by converting the carbon dioxide we breathe out ...
Some Great Ideas on Composting
I always hear the question: 'What can I compost?' or 'Can I compost that?'Well here are some ideas on composting and some information on stuff to compost and what not to compost.
Compost Tumblers - Gardeners Love Them
Are you tired of how long it takes to make compost with a regular compost bin system? Do you want to speed up the process so that your garden can reap the benefits? Then why not give a compost tumbler a try? This article will provide tips and tricks for using a compost tumbler.
Irrigation May Not Be Needed at All Times
A good irrigation plan can be used to help keep any property looking and feeling as great as it can. However, there are some cases where irrigation is not necessary. Anyone who wants a healthy ...
The Alternatives When It Comes To A Childrens Play House
When it comes to a childrens play house, the choices you have are practically as varied as when buying a home.
Growing Orchids - How to Have Orchid Flowers All Year Long
Find out about different orchid's species and how long their flowers typically last. How to take care of them so that the plants will be healthy enough to generously bloom at every blooming season and possibly even more often. Finally a little trick to acquire a small a collection of plants whi