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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Citrus Trees & Insects
If you live in the right climate, warm and moist, citrus trees---lemon, grapefruit, orange---are a great landscape choice. Their flowers are fragrant, the fruit delicious and packed with vitamin C, and they're simply beautiful. Unfortunately, bugs also thrive in the same kind of climate. In fact, ci
List of House Plants That Are Poisonous for Dogs
Some house plants can cause illness in dogs.Dog image by Jan Zajc from Fotolia.comAccording to The Humane Society of the U.S., as of October 2010, there are more than 700 species of plants that are poisonous to pets. However, it should be noted that poisonous plants do not necessarily...
How to Prune Sage & Lavender
Lavender (lavandula) and sage (salvia officinalis) are relatively easy to grow and have fragrances that beg culinary application. Lavender blooms are used fresh in salads and beverages, and are frequently dried to use in sachets. The many different types of sage allow for different ornamental leaf c
Yellowing Leaves on Hollyhocks
Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) are ornamental flowering plants with colorful blossoms that add beauty to both indoor and outdoor gardens. However, yellowing leaves indicate a problem with the plant.
How to Determine Light Requirements for Houseplants
How much light do house plants actually need? Light is measured in units called "foot candles," which refer to the amount of light emitted by one candle at a distance of one foot. Here is an easy way to understand your plants' requirements and determine the if the light conditions in a room are adeq
Brazilian Coffee Plants
Coffee beansEmrah Turudu/Photodisc/Getty ImagesCoffee is one of Brazil's lead exports, according to Brasil Bar. The country is home to more than 1,300 coffee producers, although only three of them account for virtually 30 percent of sales as of 2002. Producers grow a variety of coffee...
Houseplants in Minnesota
A pot of hyacinths brings a breath of spring to a Minnesota home in winter.hyacinth image by AGphotographer from Fotolia.comMinnesota's weather makes it a good place for cultivating houseplants because many plants require cool periods to trigger growth or flowering. In northern latitudes,...
How to Acidify Soil for Blueberries
Blueberry plants grow best in rich, deep, loose, well-draining acidic soil. In more alkaline soils, blueberry plants do not adequately absorb nutrients through their roots. Signs of improper pH levels include small yellow leaves with contrasting green veins and stunted new growth.
Does Giving a Plants Different Amounts of Water Affect the Growth?
Keeping a plant's water supply at a safe level is key to its overall healthy growth. There are several factors that determine water requirements for plants. Certain types of plants require more water than others. Location, soil condition and the age of a plant also determine how much water is needed
How to Make a PH Soil Tester
In the latest part of winter and the earliest part of spring, long before soil can be worked, a gardener's first step is to test the soil. Most plants grow well when soil is in a neutral range of pH, somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5. Although some plants such as roses and lilacs prefer to grow in soil
Shade Intolerant Plants
Most plants need ample water and sunlight to grow and some plants that can't tolerate any shade at all. These plants; which include certain vines, shrubs and trees; need especially nutrient-rich soil that is well-watered to offset the drying effects of sun, according to Purdue University.
Plants That are Good for Indoor Pollution
Ivy helps rid the air of pollutants.ivy image by Alison Bowden from Fotolia.comThe right house plants can add decoration to your home and help clean its air of pollutants. For an average house of 1,800 square feet, NASA recommends 15 to 18 houseplants. Some of the chemicals that could be...
How to Get Free Flower and Vegetable Seed Catalogs
New gardeners and avid gardeners alike enjoy receiving seed catalogues in the mail. Several good old time reliable seed companies still continue to send free seed catalogs in the mail even though they all have websites and online ordering.
A List of Fruit & Vegetable Perennials
Tomatoes are perennials in warm winter climates.Tomato plant image by Trombax from Fotolia.comPerennials are plants, bushes, flowers or vegetables that live for several years. The plants may go dormant during the colder winter months but start to grow again when spring arrives. Usually...
How to Scare Kids on Halloween on the Front Lawn
The best way to scare kids on your front lawn on Halloween night is to provide an eerie atmosphere that builds anticipation to the fright. Many adults enjoy Halloween as much as young children, yet feel that the holiday lacks excitement when the only role they play is to answer the door and give out
How to Treat Cedar Interiors
Cedar lines the insides of closets and storage trunks to keep fabric-eating moths away from clothing and keep the space smelling fresh. Similar to other wood surfaces, cedar's red wood requires care to keep it in the best possible condition. Proper treatment with the right supplies maintains the cle
How to Kill Tree Roots in a Septic System
Tree roots get into septic systems through small cracks in the joints that hold the system pipes together. A root smaller in diameter than a hair can invade the pipe where it will find plenty of water and nutrients to keep growing. The root mass can grow big enough to clog the pipe leading from your
What Are California Poppies?
Some gardeners might describe California poppies as "sunshine on a stem." To explorers and pioneers who first encountered fields of poppies after long and strenuous travel, the grassy hills of California, rather than its streets, must have seemed to be paved with gold. The poppy is perennial within
Tree Mildew
Homeowners often discover mildew on their trees. Powdery mildew is a common cause of mildew on trees in many gardens and yards. This fungal disease rarely causes serious problems in trees.
How to Plant & Sew Corn Seeds at Home
Sweet corn can be an exciting and impressive vegetable to grow at home. Since each plant yields just one or two ears, it is best to have a large space dedicated to your crop. Several rows are recommended to make sure there is enough pollination to create those tasty ears. Nonetheless, even a small h