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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
What Are Good Vegetables to Grow on Hill Sides?
Gentle hillside ready for planting.Hill image by Andrew Korobejnik from Fotolia.comMany garden vegetables need room to grow and plenty of well-drained soil. The natural solution is hillside planting, a method that allows leafy vegetables to sprawl out as they mature. Excess water l...
Information on Green Jade Plants
The green jade plant is one of the most common houseplants and is used as an indoor ornamental and landscaping plant in mild climates. Another attraction of the green jade plant is its association with prosperity, as the round leaves look like coins.
How to Use Potash on Grapevines
Grapes use more potassium than any other single nutrient found in the soil. For this reason, most vinedressers regularly apply a high-potash fertilizer to their vines annually. Fertilizers are labeled with three numbers, like 0-0-0. The first number refers to the nitrogen content, the second number
What Color of Light Do Plants Absorb?
White light contains various colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When plants harvest light for photosynthesis, they only absorb a few colors and reflect the rest.
What Is Torenia?
Looking for a tough summer annual? Torenia, also known as bluewings or wishbone flower, is a hard worker and it will brighten your garden through the season while not asking for a lot of attention. It's called the wishbone flower because it has two wishbone-shaped stamens that are joined together un
White Hawthorn Flowers
Many hawthorn trees generate attractive white flowers, but in most instances, sharp thorns are also a feature of the tree. The white flowers give way to edible fruits, making your hawthorn trees the focus of wildlife once the fruit becomes ripe enough to devour. Hawthorn trees are members of the ros
How to Build a Light Stand for Plants
There's no reason to stop your gardening activities just because the growing season ends. Instead, make a light stand so you can continue to do everything indoors, from starting seed beds to nurturing plants--even if there's a blizzard raging.
What Types of Lavender Roses Are There?
Lavender is known to be an eternal symbol of admiration and love. A lavender rose signifies wonder, enchantment, mystery and love at first sight and is often gifted at special occasions. In addition to this, the eye-catching and stunning shades of purple have made it a popular flower for all romanti
Requirements for Government Housing
Within the first decade of the 21st century, the reliance on government housing surged. This was the result of both natural disasters and economic problems. Because of this increase in demand, promotion and knowledge of government housing also increased, making the need to know the requirements for
How to Identify Ficus Varieties
Ficus plants originated in India and Southeast Asia. Today, they are widely used houseplants and range from those small enough to occupy a sunny windowsill to full-sized trees that grace the corridors of shopping malls. Ficus plants require little attention and aren't often bothered by pests. Severa
How to Get a Tomato Soup Stain Off Plastic Lids
Leftover tomato soup stored in a plastic container makes for a quick, easy meal or snack. Tomato-based products are known for their propensity toward staining plastic containers. Plastic lids are no exception. Regular cleaning with dish-washing detergent often makes no difference, leaving you with p
How to Identify Flowers by Appearance
Flower identification, especially by appearance, is not just for scientists and botanists. Nature lovers, gardeners and curious people of all ages enjoy learning more about the flowers they find. Committing the names of flowers to memory may not be realistic for most people, so an identification boo
Spraying for Apple Trees
Apple trees produce some of the human race's favorite fruits, but they are also susceptible to a number of pests and diseases. To help give apple trees the best harvest possible and ensure a long life for the trees, growers often do two types of spraying. Growers use fungicides and pesticides, or a
Trees with Fan-Shaped Leaves & Small Fruit
Ginkgo biloba's fan-shaped leaves turn golden in autumn.Jupiterimages/ ImagesA large diversity of trees have fan-shaped leaves and small fruit. Some of those trees are deciduous and shed their leaves every season, while others are evergreen and keep their display yearlong....
How to Start a Walnut Tree From Seed
The biggest problem you are likely to encounter when starting a walnut tree from seed is squirrels getting to the nuts before you can gather them. The tree grows readily from seed, gathered in September and October when it falls from the tree. Walnut trees are stately giants that can live over 200 y
How to Make a Moss Hanging Basket
Hanging baskets are wonderful additions to your home garden. When dangling from your front porch or lamppost, they are eye-catching and quickly add color to the outside of your home. You can easily have a beautiful assortment of flowers in a moss-filled hanging basket without the backbreaking chores
What Is the White Powdery Stuff on My Tomato Plant Leaves?
Raising tomato plants is relatively easy unless you encounter a tomato disease such as powdery mildew. Many types of tomato diseases can quickly destroy your tomato plant and spread rapidly to neighboring vegetable plants. Luckily, powdery mildew isn't one of them. Powdery mildew responds well to tr
How to Identify Cannabis Leaves
The ability to identify cannabis leaves may enable you to distinguish marijuana growing in the soil. Cannabis sativa grows throughout many regions of the United States except for the hottest and coldest areas -- desert southwest and upper Great Plains regions. Learn the basic characteristics of mari
How to Grow a Jasmine Vine to a Panel
You can find quite a few different species of climbing Jasmine, from Confederate Jasmine to Star Jasmine. Like other climbing plant varieties, climbing Jasmine species need a surface to climb up. You can plant your Jasmine along a brick or stone wall, or you can plant itany where in your yard and