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Social Media : Business & Finance
Modern Entrepreneurship
Want to learn what modern entrepreneurs do to grab their target market? Read the article and know what separates the old from the new.
So You Have 10k Followers on Twitter - Now What?
The idea for this article came to me when I launched my new blog. I thought that if I would ask some of my friends from Twitter to tweet something about my blog I would get some really good traffic. I don't have to say it, because you probably guess: nothing extraordinary happen. Why?
How Social Media Can Make Your Business Grow Rapidly
There is an undeniable connection between the success that many companies have been able to have in the last six years and the popularity of the social media platforms. It' s almost been a decade since the web 2.0 came out, but the truth is that the popularity of these networks hit a truly rema
Top 3 Social Networking Websites
Everyone into social networking will have come across the renowned Myspace. Myspace is well known for it's customization options and today, Myspace is one of the most visited websites in the Internet. Speaking about the statistics of Myspace, an average of 300,000 new people sign up to MySpace
Amp Up Your Social Media Marketing With These Quick Tips
So many of our business-related tasks take up a great deal of time. There are projects to tackle, employees to direct, products to create. There are many things on the to-do list that take hours, days, and weeks to complete. The last thing you want to see clogging up your work day is marketing on so
GPS Powered Social Networking Apps - Discover New Places
Geolocation based social networking apps have become the handiest tool to discover new places or find new places around you. Try out the various features these apps provide and enjoy the power of Social networks at any location.
Don't Get Sucked in by the Numbers With Facebook
It's one of the big topics of the moment for brand marketers and everyone seems to want a piece of the action. A few years ago would watch a TV ad or look at a quality piece of outdoor and the URL at the end would be driving you to the company's website. Not anymore, today it's drivin
Social Media for Small Business - Finding Local Prospects
Do you have a business that is focused on getting business from your local geographic landscape. Does the very fact of someone being located in a geographical location do more to qualify your prospects than anything else? If so there is a way that you can easily stay at the top of mind of HUGE perce
Tworphans - Creators of Orphaned Tweets
PROBLEM: the median number of lifetime tweets per user is one - when new people sign up for Twitter, they post once and then never return. Estimates suggest that the micro-blogging service Twitter now has more than 10 million users and is growing faster than any other social network; however, despit
Does Social Media Really Work For Business?
Social media has boomed over the past 18 months with many people getting involved in applications such as Twitter and Facebook. Some do it for their own personal use and others do it for their businesses. A question that we get asked a lot is whether social media actually works for a business? There
What You Need to Know About File Sharing
File sharing is an important part of any business. However, a business owner or marketer needs to be careful about which service they use for their online storage. There are things to look out for when looking for a service provider and this article seeks to educate the readers on what they should l
How Social Media Can Create Advocates For Your Brand
Today, social media has become one of the most powerful channels for Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing. Here are some facts about social media that demonstrate just how powerful it can be.
The Role Of Digital Media In Today's Society
We can honestly say that communication is the most valuable good of today's society. Unlike in the past, communicating with the others is easier nowadays simply because the digital media allows it. Communication doesn't refer only to socializing.
Revealed - Secrets of Using Social Media Sites to Collect Subscribers
Even though Web 2.0 has come and gone, the social media sites that skyrocketed to popularity during that decade are becoming increasingly important to the future of the Internet. From social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to social bookmarking sites like Digg and Delicious, e-mail mar
13 Effective Facebook Advertising Tips You Can Start Implementing In Your Business
With over a billion active users monthly, Facebook is an avenue for social media marketing that is simply too huge to ignore! However, with the increasing diversity of this social networking website, leaving an impact becomes all the more difficult. Nonetheless, do not fret! With the right set of sk
Social Media Plan For Your Business - Plan For Success
When it comes to social media the old adage is true. If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.
Social Media Table Manners
I was at Starbucks today. For the past several months to a year I have been patronizing Starbucks and it seems to be the social network marketing place for business and friends. People are doing business over the Internet at these coffee houses.
Legacy is More Important Than Currency
This is the message that I received yesterday directly from Gary Vaynerchuk the most successful entrepreneur of the social media era. This means that when you build a brand based on a strong competence and passion that both belong to you, and you bring them to the Web sharing and capitalizing your a
Is Twitter Hummingbird Worth the $200 Investment?
Twitter Hummingbird is a tool with a lot of hype, but it's not for everyone.There are 3 big benefits to using it, and 3 things it could do much better.Find out if it's right for your marketing strategy before dropping the $200 on it.
5 Simple Fundamental Elements of Social Online Marketing
Social media marketing is a process of creating relationships and is a compelling strategy that gets you links, attention, and traffic. Once you've determined your goals and targeted audience, how you execute your strategy can make the difference between social media success or social media fai