Half Year Resolutions
It has been six months since the beginning of the New Year, how are those resolutions coming that you set out to achieve on January 1st? Did you lose that 10 pounds you said you would? If you're like most you've probably abandoned that resolution some time around February and by now have completely forgotten about it.
That is until now, due to that weekend trip you planned at the lake over the 4th of July and your annual week vacation to the beach coming up in August and you haven't lost any weight and don't feel confident wearing a bathing suit.
So why not start a ½ Year Resolution now? Prime vacation time is still a few weeks away and you still have two months until the last weekend of summer, Labor Day, to stun your friends with your new body.
While the 4th of July weekend may be shot for looking great there is no reason you cannot make changes to your body for that vacation in August and that end of summer retreat to the lake again over Labor Day weekend.
Here are a few tips to help you make the best of the next two months: 1.
Eliminate all processed carbs from your diet and only eat complex carbs at breakfast and after a workout.
Keep your alcohol consumption to zero.
Alcohol is processed in the liver, guess what else is processed there? Fat.
When you drink you shut your body off from processing fat for 24 hours until all the alcohol is processed through.
Begin a total body weight training program 3x per week.
Stop doing bicep curls and ab crunches and instead do more squats and overhead presses.
Pick up something heavy.
You must lift weight that is challenging, if you don't you're not put enough of a demand on your body to make a change.
And no, ladies you WILL NOT bulk up! 6.
Step away from the scale.
Do not pay attention to the number on the scale.
The body you want weighs more than you think.
Summer isn't over yet; you still have plenty of time to get into shape.
But, you can't wait any longer it will be Labor Day before you know it.
That is until now, due to that weekend trip you planned at the lake over the 4th of July and your annual week vacation to the beach coming up in August and you haven't lost any weight and don't feel confident wearing a bathing suit.
So why not start a ½ Year Resolution now? Prime vacation time is still a few weeks away and you still have two months until the last weekend of summer, Labor Day, to stun your friends with your new body.
While the 4th of July weekend may be shot for looking great there is no reason you cannot make changes to your body for that vacation in August and that end of summer retreat to the lake again over Labor Day weekend.
Here are a few tips to help you make the best of the next two months: 1.
Eliminate all processed carbs from your diet and only eat complex carbs at breakfast and after a workout.
Keep your alcohol consumption to zero.
Alcohol is processed in the liver, guess what else is processed there? Fat.
When you drink you shut your body off from processing fat for 24 hours until all the alcohol is processed through.
Begin a total body weight training program 3x per week.
Stop doing bicep curls and ab crunches and instead do more squats and overhead presses.
Pick up something heavy.
You must lift weight that is challenging, if you don't you're not put enough of a demand on your body to make a change.
And no, ladies you WILL NOT bulk up! 6.
Step away from the scale.
Do not pay attention to the number on the scale.
The body you want weighs more than you think.
Summer isn't over yet; you still have plenty of time to get into shape.
But, you can't wait any longer it will be Labor Day before you know it.