How To Use Landscaping For Privacy
Any independent home building always has some space surrounding it that is used for the purpose for landscaping.
In such spaces backyard is a kind of space, which is supposed to be private and reserved for special activities.
A backyard may have a swimming pool, kids playing area, patio, water and rock gardens basically designed to pass quality time with family members or alone.
The backyard demands a certain level of privacy from intruders.
Landscaping can play a major role i designing an maintaining privacy in a backyard.
Sometimes house building are planned in a row like arrangement in a neighborhood with two house building sharing a common compound wall.
In such case landscaping for privacy plays an important role.
To cater this problem a simple solution would construct a compound wall with a combination of stone and wired mesh on top.
For example a compound wall with the lower 5 feet constructed with stone and the above 2 feet with wired mesh.
The main purpose of this is, the wired mesh acts as a support for the crawling plants that will create a curtain of green vegetation for the privacy purpose.
Such kind of green curtain will block the view from outside but will allow the wind to pass in by maintaining the ventilation.
For such a compound wall to work well you can even construct a brick wall with an arrangement to plant the crawlers inside the wall thickness.
Another space that demands privacy in the backyard is swimming pool changing rooms.
A simple brick wall can do the job of hiding the changing rooms.
Or you can have the changing rooms attached to the main building during the design stage itself.
Using plants around the swimming pool is sometimes recommended.
But this has got a few disadvantages.
Firstly if the plants are deciduous, it will cause you extra care taking efforts to clean the pool water frequently.
Also you will have some restriction on using tall trees.
Tall trees have equal amount of deep rots that can cause damage to the swimming pool construction, which is underground.
Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya
In such spaces backyard is a kind of space, which is supposed to be private and reserved for special activities.
A backyard may have a swimming pool, kids playing area, patio, water and rock gardens basically designed to pass quality time with family members or alone.
The backyard demands a certain level of privacy from intruders.
Landscaping can play a major role i designing an maintaining privacy in a backyard.
Sometimes house building are planned in a row like arrangement in a neighborhood with two house building sharing a common compound wall.
In such case landscaping for privacy plays an important role.
To cater this problem a simple solution would construct a compound wall with a combination of stone and wired mesh on top.
For example a compound wall with the lower 5 feet constructed with stone and the above 2 feet with wired mesh.
The main purpose of this is, the wired mesh acts as a support for the crawling plants that will create a curtain of green vegetation for the privacy purpose.
Such kind of green curtain will block the view from outside but will allow the wind to pass in by maintaining the ventilation.
For such a compound wall to work well you can even construct a brick wall with an arrangement to plant the crawlers inside the wall thickness.
Another space that demands privacy in the backyard is swimming pool changing rooms.
A simple brick wall can do the job of hiding the changing rooms.
Or you can have the changing rooms attached to the main building during the design stage itself.
Using plants around the swimming pool is sometimes recommended.
But this has got a few disadvantages.
Firstly if the plants are deciduous, it will cause you extra care taking efforts to clean the pool water frequently.
Also you will have some restriction on using tall trees.
Tall trees have equal amount of deep rots that can cause damage to the swimming pool construction, which is underground.
Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya