Care Package Suggestions
Baby wipes
Zipper style bags
Cup type of soups
Canned fruit and puddings
Beef jerky
Instant coffee
Powdered drinks
Tea bags
Cheese and crackers
Small bags of chips
Chewing gum
Individual cereal boxes
Granola or Power bars
Dried fruit
Packets of food condiments like hot sauce, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, relish, salt and pepper
Pictures and stories drawn or written by the kids on computer printer magnetic paper.
They will be easy to hang and display on metal bunks.
Luxurious towel
Eye drops
Lip balm
Sun block
Dental floss
Baby and foot powder
Cotton balls
Liquid hand sanitizer
Cotton swabs
Breath mints
Nail files
Paper, pen, and pre-addressed envelopes
Love note written on the back of a puzzle
Sunday comics
Don't send anything pressurized, pornographic, alcoholic or chocolate!
Page 1, Writing Tips
Page 2, Coping Tips
Page 3, Being Prepared