A Delay in Detecting Signs of a Marriage in Trouble Can Cause a Permanent Split
Perhaps the most common early sign of a marriage in trouble is a break in meaningful communication between the husband and wife. This communication gap usually snowballs into a total lack of understanding and empathizing between each other. You feel that every day you are starting life with a new person that you do not quite like. Distance grows till it cannot be bridged anymore. The first thing you need to admit if you were to save a marriage in trouble is that you are not flawless. There could be plenty of things that are wrong with you which could be causing pain and hurt in your relationship, resulting in the gradual break up. Communication between married couples, after a few years of marriage usually centers on finance or the kids. Is this happening to your marriage too? This is a sure sign of a marriage in trouble. Rectify it as soon as you can - keep some hours in a day or even the weekend free, where both of you can be together spending some quality time with each other. Be patient and listen to your spouse during these moments. Consciously make some topics taboo between the both of you if you find that they cause more anxiety and stress than anything else.
Marriage is a relationship which does not grow firm overnight; it is a tender sapling that takes years of caring and nurturing for it to flourish and exude happiness. Compromise might be a dirty word for many, but to save a marriage in trouble, perhaps this is the only key you have. Understanding each other's problems is one thing, but compromising your own priorities for the sake of someone you love is quite another. But to arrive at a mutually acceptable marital relationship, both of you need to extend your honest cooperation. Remember a marriage in trouble cannot be saved by you alone, no matter how strong you feel about your spouse. And to know about the kind of compromises that is needed to save the marriage in trouble, both of you need to talk and listen to each other.