Origin of Love
The reasons we're a nation of break ups is quite simple.
The origin of love in the olden days of our grandparents and great-grandparents was based on emotions, friendships, respect, loyalty and honor.
Marriage was regarded highly and very important to everyone but in today's society sex is number one on everyone's list and it's the reason marriages are no longer making it.
The origin of love is not sex.
Many more couples waited to have sex until they were married or at the very least in love.
Teen sex and sex before marriage still occurred but it was kept quiet and sex was still considered sacred to those we loved.
Back then, it was less discussed and kept more to ourselves.
Wives were respected and considered a blessing to have and that's what kept less from cheating, because sex was less important.
Marriages didn't break apart because of sex and they weren't surrounded on animal lust desires.
This is what we need to go back to.
In your current relationship now, you need to focus on everything else but sex.
Making love should be about displaying love to one another and less about sexual positions and talk amongst our friends.
Peer pressure and competition exists at all ages and only contributes to tension.
Talk to your grandparents and old couples about their secrets and how they stay together.
Ask them how they met and what sex meant to the relationship in the beginning and later.
The origin of love is heart.