2009 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Cato
We adopted Cato from a local shelter after one of our cats died during an asthma attack and our other cat started mourning. The reason we chose Cato was that he was the only kitten that allowed my special needs son to pet him and he was the prettiest kitten I'd ever seen. I thought he had unusual coloring. We tried to keep him in a cage until our remaining cat got used to him but he wasn't having any of it.
To this day he hates being caged or left alone, even with the other cat.
From the very start he played very rough with our very mild mannered other cat and would attack without notice. He would hide and then come jumping out into the air in front of you and then runaway. This is why he was given the name Cato (Inspector Clouseau's karate partner in the Pink Panther movies). He is amazingly good natured with my son; he has never bitten or scratched him, even though he has had his tail and ears pulled on many occasions. When Cato is yelled at for doing something wrong he will come and rub against your legs and purr, trying to remind you of what a good cat he is. He has particularly bonded with my husband, greets him at the door most days when he gets home and sleeps next to him, but comes to me when he wants to be fed.
If I sleep too late in the mornings(according to Cato) he will dip his paw into my water glass next to the bed and shake water all over my face. He has on at least two occasions dumped the entire glass on me.
At night if I don't feed him when he decides I should, he will start knocking things off my desk especially papers. Cato, loves to chase laser pointers, play with catnip mice, chase and attack Comet our other cat and play in and chew pieces off cardboard boxes. He likes to play with water, he is the only cat I've ever had that comes into the bathroom when I'm drawing a bath and smacks at the water. He doesn't seem to mind getting wet. He doesn't seem to be afraid of anything except the couch which he always seems to be sneaking up on, I assume he thinks Comet is under there and may jump out at him. I guess we love Cato most for always being able to make us laugh no matter what mess he's gotten himself into or what he's knocked over.
To this day he hates being caged or left alone, even with the other cat.
From the very start he played very rough with our very mild mannered other cat and would attack without notice. He would hide and then come jumping out into the air in front of you and then runaway. This is why he was given the name Cato (Inspector Clouseau's karate partner in the Pink Panther movies). He is amazingly good natured with my son; he has never bitten or scratched him, even though he has had his tail and ears pulled on many occasions. When Cato is yelled at for doing something wrong he will come and rub against your legs and purr, trying to remind you of what a good cat he is. He has particularly bonded with my husband, greets him at the door most days when he gets home and sleeps next to him, but comes to me when he wants to be fed.
If I sleep too late in the mornings(according to Cato) he will dip his paw into my water glass next to the bed and shake water all over my face. He has on at least two occasions dumped the entire glass on me.
At night if I don't feed him when he decides I should, he will start knocking things off my desk especially papers. Cato, loves to chase laser pointers, play with catnip mice, chase and attack Comet our other cat and play in and chew pieces off cardboard boxes. He likes to play with water, he is the only cat I've ever had that comes into the bathroom when I'm drawing a bath and smacks at the water. He doesn't seem to mind getting wet. He doesn't seem to be afraid of anything except the couch which he always seems to be sneaking up on, I assume he thinks Comet is under there and may jump out at him. I guess we love Cato most for always being able to make us laugh no matter what mess he's gotten himself into or what he's knocked over.