Feline Cystitis Treatment
- Owners can use home methods of treatment by changing the cat's diet. For example, cats affected by this condition should be fed moistened dry food, or should be switched to a diet of predominantly wet food, to increase their fluid intake.
- Likewise, cats need excessive amounts of water to flush out the infection. Owners should ensure the cat is getting water from multiple sources.
- Though proper home care can heal many cystitis cases in as little as five days, antibiotics are often necessary in more persistent cases. Other medications prescribed for feline cystitis can include painkillers and amitriptyline, which is an antidepressant.
- If a cat's urethra is completely blocked by urine stones, veterinarians often perform a procedure to extract the urine through a syringe. This is often done in emergency situations.
- Catheterization is another process veterinarians often use in severe cases. Catheters are inserted into the urethra to flush out the urine crystals and to rehydrate the cat.