Mural Artist Tips
- There are several methods you can use for transfering your image to a wall.
Every mural starts with placing the basic image on the wall. If you have access to a projector, you can shoot the image onto the wall and trace the line work with a pencil. One of the downsides to this is that you need both a projector and a great deal of space for the projector to cast the image.
Creating a grid is another way to take a small image and make it much larger. Artists have used grids for years, and while they are more time consuming, they are cheaper and work in any environment. To create a grid for your image, draw squares over your smaller image and then draw the same number of squares on the wall, except this time they should be much larger. You can use the smaller image as a reference point, and the squares will make sure that everything stays proportional to your original illustration.
Also, many people apply a fresh coat of paint to the wall before they begin adding any line work to the mural.This can help the final image to be brighter and cleaner. - Choose your paints and then lay out the base colors.
Once you have laid out the groundwork for your mural, you need to choose the type of paint you are going to use. recommends using acrylic paints instead of oils as acrylics are far cheaper and easier to use.
Consider roughing out the mural with basic colors and hues before going into too much detail. This will allow you to have a great background to work on when you begin the small detail work and also give you some idea of how the entire mural looks visually. - Sealing or varnishing your mural can ensure that it lasts for genertations to come.
Begin to paint the smaller details onto the mural after you have the base colors on the wall. Generally you should use a smaller brush for detail work, but remember that murals are meant to be seen from a distance. Try not to get too caught up in the detail work.
After you are satisfied with the final product you should try to ensure that the mural will last for many years to come. You can spray the entire mural with an acrylic sealer or use a brush on varnish. Always make sure that you have the proper breathing protection and adequate ventilation if you are doing any spraying.