DIY Cake Stands
- 1). Cut a 1/2-inch thick piece of plywood into a circle or square approximately two inches larger than your cake. Most home improvement stores will cut the plywood for you at no extra charge.
- 2). Purchase four to six new or used decorative knobs with attached screws to support the cake stand. Place each knob on a flat surface with the front of the knob facing down. If the knob stands up straight and does not topple over, it will create a stable cake stand.
- 3). Paint the plywood board with latex paint in a semi-gloss or gloss finish. Flat latex paint may be used but it will be more difficult to keep clean.
- 4). Mark the desired locations of the knobs on the bottom of the plywood with a pencil. Space them evenly around the edge of the circle or at each corner if you are making a square cake stand. Make these marks approximately 1/2-inch from the edge of the plywood.
- 5). Drill a hole all the way through the plywood at each mark using a drill bit of the same size as the screws on your knobs.
- 6). Insert the screw of each knob into a hole and secure it with a nut. Install all of the knobs to finish the cake stand. The nuts are raised but since they are located 1/2-inch from the edge and the cake stand has a 1-inch border around your cake, they will not interfere with the placement of the cake.