Can Your Cat Grieve?
We all know that people grieve when they experience a significant loss.
It can be the loss of another person, a beloved pet or even something like a well-liked job.
Experiencing grief can have a pretty big impact on our lives.
But what about your cat, can she experience grief? While there isn't much as far as scientific data on the matter, many people have noticed specific changes that occur in cat behavior after the loss of another animal or human companion.
Signs Any time you notice changes in their normal cat behavior it is important to pay close attention.
Cats are good at hiding things including pain and health problems so it is our job to keep a close eye on them and know when it is time to take them to the vet.
Potential signs that your cat may be grieving include changes in activity levels which may result in restless pacing as if they are looking for the missing companion or they may start hiding and showing signs of lethargy.
Sleep time and patterns may also change; they may sleep more or less than normal.
You may notice increased meowing or crying and a decrease in appetite or interest in food.
You may also notice a change in the level of attention your cat wants.
Cats that may be experiencing grief may become clingy or they may reject affection.
Things You Can Do If there has recently been a loss in your household and your cat is experiencing these signs there are some things you can do to help support your companion through the grief process.
First it is important to take kitty to the vet to make sure there isn't a medical condition causing these symptoms.
Once you rule out the possibility of a health issue there are some other things you can do.
Keep your normal routine.
Keep feeding your cat at the same time and put off any additional stressors like a vacation or house guests if possible.
Make sure you give your cat plenty of attention and reassurance.
If the grief is from a lost pet don't give in to the temptation to get a new pet right away.
Wait until the cat behavior is back to normal.
Both losing and gaining an animal companion can cause stress for your cat.
In some cases this type of stress can cause your cat to develop behavioral problems like urinating outside of the litter box.
The idea of grief in cats isn't surprising when you consider the bonds they form with people and other animals in their life.
Cats can be very sensitive to change; things like moving, new additions to the household or kenneling can cause a lot of stress in some cats.
It is important to pay attention to these things so you can comfort your cat and to curb or avoid possible behavior problems.
It can be the loss of another person, a beloved pet or even something like a well-liked job.
Experiencing grief can have a pretty big impact on our lives.
But what about your cat, can she experience grief? While there isn't much as far as scientific data on the matter, many people have noticed specific changes that occur in cat behavior after the loss of another animal or human companion.
Signs Any time you notice changes in their normal cat behavior it is important to pay close attention.
Cats are good at hiding things including pain and health problems so it is our job to keep a close eye on them and know when it is time to take them to the vet.
Potential signs that your cat may be grieving include changes in activity levels which may result in restless pacing as if they are looking for the missing companion or they may start hiding and showing signs of lethargy.
Sleep time and patterns may also change; they may sleep more or less than normal.
You may notice increased meowing or crying and a decrease in appetite or interest in food.
You may also notice a change in the level of attention your cat wants.
Cats that may be experiencing grief may become clingy or they may reject affection.
Things You Can Do If there has recently been a loss in your household and your cat is experiencing these signs there are some things you can do to help support your companion through the grief process.
First it is important to take kitty to the vet to make sure there isn't a medical condition causing these symptoms.
Once you rule out the possibility of a health issue there are some other things you can do.
Keep your normal routine.
Keep feeding your cat at the same time and put off any additional stressors like a vacation or house guests if possible.
Make sure you give your cat plenty of attention and reassurance.
If the grief is from a lost pet don't give in to the temptation to get a new pet right away.
Wait until the cat behavior is back to normal.
Both losing and gaining an animal companion can cause stress for your cat.
In some cases this type of stress can cause your cat to develop behavioral problems like urinating outside of the litter box.
The idea of grief in cats isn't surprising when you consider the bonds they form with people and other animals in their life.
Cats can be very sensitive to change; things like moving, new additions to the household or kenneling can cause a lot of stress in some cats.
It is important to pay attention to these things so you can comfort your cat and to curb or avoid possible behavior problems.