How To Stop Cats From Urinating In The House - 2 Little Tricks That Can Bring Big Results
Are you frustrated with trying to find a way to stop cats from urinating in the house? I've been there and was a matter of hours away from bringing my cat to a shelter before my husband did something drastic.
I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to come to this.
In this article I will tell you about how you can stop your cat peeing outside the litter box with 2 simple ideas.
The first thing you need to do is give your home a thorough cleaning.
In particular, you need to clean the areas that your cat has been peeing.
Don't just use any old soap and water on the stains however.
It's important that you use something to break down the enzymes left from the urine otherwise you're just going to make matters worse.
Once you're sure that you have eradicated all areas that you suspect the cat to have peed, it's time to go buy some more litter boxes.
Ideally you should have one more litter box than you have cats.
I know this can seem drastic if you have more than one cat but it really is effective when trying to stop cats from urinating in the house.
It gives your cat options.
Try adding an uncovered box if you currently have a covered one or vice versa.
See which one your cat prefers and go from there.
There are many different solutions to stop a cat urinating around the house and you need to really be prepared to do some work if you want to put a stop to it.
I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to come to this.
In this article I will tell you about how you can stop your cat peeing outside the litter box with 2 simple ideas.
The first thing you need to do is give your home a thorough cleaning.
In particular, you need to clean the areas that your cat has been peeing.
Don't just use any old soap and water on the stains however.
It's important that you use something to break down the enzymes left from the urine otherwise you're just going to make matters worse.
Once you're sure that you have eradicated all areas that you suspect the cat to have peed, it's time to go buy some more litter boxes.
Ideally you should have one more litter box than you have cats.
I know this can seem drastic if you have more than one cat but it really is effective when trying to stop cats from urinating in the house.
It gives your cat options.
Try adding an uncovered box if you currently have a covered one or vice versa.
See which one your cat prefers and go from there.
There are many different solutions to stop a cat urinating around the house and you need to really be prepared to do some work if you want to put a stop to it.