Natural Cures For Reflux - Safe, Drug-Free And Much More Effective Than Normal Medication
How can natural cures for reflux be more effective than normal medication? After all, the medical profession tells us that drug based medication is the only way to get control of your heartburn and that much needed relief from all the pain and distress.
Lets consider, first of all, the way that conventional medication works.
All the pills that you take act by either neutralising or controlling the amount of acid that your stomach produces.
That sounds logical, as it is stomach acid that causes the pain and burning sensation that you are all too familiar with.
Well that is partially true.
But the important fact is that in most cases, heartburn is not caused by an overproduction of stomach acid.
It is a fault or weakness in the muscular valve that should prevent your acidic stomach contents flowing back (refluxing) into your unprotected gullet that is the problem.
Furthermore, there are many possible factors that can cause this weakness to occur and these can be related to the way you live, your environment in addition to the food you eat.
Simply controlling the amount of acid that you produce is merely dealing with the symptoms and not the underlying causes of your problem.
So, how do you deal with these causes? Obviously, the first step is to identify which factors are actually causing your heartburn.
Having identified them you can set about dealing with them with a combination of totally natural remedies.
The advantage of natural treatment is that it can be specifically targeted at those factors and treat them effectively by using your body's own powerful defence mechanism to combat them.
By effectively dealing with them you can eliminate them and get long term relief from your heartburn, something that conventional medication will not do.
When you stop taking your pills, your heartburn quickly returns often much worse than before.
So what form do these natural remedies take? There are many natural herb based medications and homeopathic remedies that have proved to be equally if not more effective than conventional medication with the added advantage of not producing any of the well known side effects that drug based medications often do.
But even though they do produce long term relief they do not necessarily cure your problem.
However, just imagine if you combine the most appropriate natural remedy with specific changes to diet and lifestyle, all aimed at targeting all those factors that are producing your acid reflux.
Wouldn't that be an extremely effective way to deal with your problem and eliminate it for good? The answer is YES.
The good news for you is that natural cures for reflux have been developed that not only produce the most effective treatment, but have actually cured thousands of former heartburn sufferers PERMANENTLY.
They discovered that with the correct advice, guidance and a specially formulated course of holistic treatment, they can now live their lives, totally free from the threat of heartburn.
Lets consider, first of all, the way that conventional medication works.
All the pills that you take act by either neutralising or controlling the amount of acid that your stomach produces.
That sounds logical, as it is stomach acid that causes the pain and burning sensation that you are all too familiar with.
Well that is partially true.
But the important fact is that in most cases, heartburn is not caused by an overproduction of stomach acid.
It is a fault or weakness in the muscular valve that should prevent your acidic stomach contents flowing back (refluxing) into your unprotected gullet that is the problem.
Furthermore, there are many possible factors that can cause this weakness to occur and these can be related to the way you live, your environment in addition to the food you eat.
Simply controlling the amount of acid that you produce is merely dealing with the symptoms and not the underlying causes of your problem.
So, how do you deal with these causes? Obviously, the first step is to identify which factors are actually causing your heartburn.
Having identified them you can set about dealing with them with a combination of totally natural remedies.
The advantage of natural treatment is that it can be specifically targeted at those factors and treat them effectively by using your body's own powerful defence mechanism to combat them.
By effectively dealing with them you can eliminate them and get long term relief from your heartburn, something that conventional medication will not do.
When you stop taking your pills, your heartburn quickly returns often much worse than before.
So what form do these natural remedies take? There are many natural herb based medications and homeopathic remedies that have proved to be equally if not more effective than conventional medication with the added advantage of not producing any of the well known side effects that drug based medications often do.
But even though they do produce long term relief they do not necessarily cure your problem.
However, just imagine if you combine the most appropriate natural remedy with specific changes to diet and lifestyle, all aimed at targeting all those factors that are producing your acid reflux.
Wouldn't that be an extremely effective way to deal with your problem and eliminate it for good? The answer is YES.
The good news for you is that natural cures for reflux have been developed that not only produce the most effective treatment, but have actually cured thousands of former heartburn sufferers PERMANENTLY.
They discovered that with the correct advice, guidance and a specially formulated course of holistic treatment, they can now live their lives, totally free from the threat of heartburn.