How to Catch a Lich Mouse
- 1). Head to the Acolyte Realm via your Mouse Hunt travel guide. You can access it by traveling to Bristle Woods, but you will need a Keeper's Candle to enter. You will also need to be ranked as a legendary mouse hunter.
- 2). Equip an Obelisk of Slumber, or the Arcane Capturing Rod of Never Yielding Mystery. You can buy an obelisk from the Trapsmith in the Catacombs, but the capturing rod is an expensive crafted item.
- 3). Apply Runic cheese to your trap. Lich mice do not respond to any other type of cheese. Runic cheese is crafted with one rune, one piece of stale cheese and three bits of ionized salt.
- 4). Click the horn icon to start the mouse hunt. You may catch a Lich mouse on the first hunt, but it will likely take several tries.