How to Keep Cats Off Furniture
- 1). Just say "No." Using a firm voice, tell your cat that "No," they cannot climb on the furniture. Then take them off whatever piece of furniture they were on. You don’t need to yell. Simply be firm in your scolding. They should get the picture.
- 2). Be consistent. Anytime the cat is on a piece of furniture they shouldn’t be on, take it off and tell it "No." Avoid getting lazy. Be consistent with telling them "No,: and don’t let the little things slide. Cats are like children. They require teaching before they can understand.
- 3). Squirt the cat with water every time it climbs on the furniture or even attempts to. It’s no secret that cat’s don’t like water. When telling them no doesn’t seem to be working, squirting them with water is a great way to get their attention, and give them consequences for their actions.
- 4). Swat the cat when necessary. Cats can have a hard time listening. You may want to make sure they get the point by swatting them with a newspaper or fly swatter every time they break a furniture rule. Never be mean, cruel or hurtful, but a gentle swat will send the message that they’re practicing unacceptable behavior.
- 5). Purchase cat repellent and put it anywhere in your home you don’t want the cat climbing on. Ask your vet for suggestions on what types are safest. You don’t want to harm your cat in the process.