Video: How to Make the Coffee Royale Variation Mixed Drink
Video Transcript
Today I'm going to demonstrate how to repair a variation of the Coffee Royale. Now, this variation is much simpler than the other one, so you just want to pay close attention. We're going to be using our brandy for this, now, if you want to take it up a notch, I recommend cognac. Cognac is a brandy except it's produced in the Cognac region of France with the Eau de Vie, which means - it's grapes in French - but it means water of life, which is a nice little nugget of wisdom for you. So we're going to go with a - I'd say, you know an ounce and a half to the rest of the cup of coffee, so a six pour is what we're going for. One, two, three, four, five, six. Sorry, six count for our pour.We're going to fill the rest of the glass up with our coffee, and that's as complex as it gets. I personally like to add whipped cream and a maraschino cherry to each of my coffee drinks, but for demonstration purposes here, we're just going to leave it as is because the recipe doesn't include that. So that is our Coffee Royale. I hope you enjoy.