Cure Snoring Tips
Want some tips to help you cure snoring? With these easy tasks you will be well on your way to finding a remedy.
- Try elevating your head a bitwhen you sleep.
When you sleep flat on your back , your through and tonguehave more chance of collapsing, which leads to snoring.
- Drinking alcohol relaxes thethroat muscles so try not to have any just before bed time.
If your goingout for a drinking session, try swapping to a lower alcohol content drinktowards the end of the night for example if your having a few wines overdinner then try swapping to beer in stead of finishing the bottle.
- Did you know dairy productscan cause mucus build up? If you have a drink of milk or something likethat before you go to bed, mucus will build up and increase the chance ofyou snoring.
- Here's a unique tip for thosethat keep sleeping on their backs.
Try sowing a half tennis ball to theback of your sleeping top.
The discomfort of sleeping with half a tennisball up your back will force you to turn over automatically.
- Have you ever tried eating alittle bit of honey before bed time? Honey is a great anti-inflammatoryand can help any congestion you may have that would cause snoring.
- Don't eat a huge meal then goto bed.
Having your stomach full will cause pressure on your diaphragmwhich in turn will restrict your breathing.
- What about soft pillows.
Betyou didn't know that a soft pillow will encourage your throat muscles torelax.
This is one of the most common causes of snoring and you could cureit by just buying a firmer pillow.