In God We Trust
I am looking over my lifetime of (74) years and I am just wondering what in the "hell" is happening to our country.
I recently read on Yahoo News that some atheist is suing again to eliminate using "God" in the inauguration ceremonies in Washington.
I got a little miffed and said to myself, "who in the hell does this guy think he is"? But, after I had enough mumble time to myself, I decided to get some questions answered for myself and perhaps for you also.
We hear everyday about the efforts to remove the word "God" from our public buildings, money, schoolbooks and anyplace where there is a reference to "God".
I am concerned because we, the people out number these protesters by such an enormous number, yet.
we sit back and say to ourselves or friends "who do these people think they are? Don't they know that we outnumber them?" Well, I found the time to research atheism and went back to the days of Greek mythology and paganism.
In just about every instance, atheism was defined as being without God or Godless.
Sorry, I couldn't find anyplace where any society in history placed atheism as the law of the land.
There were some instances where paganism and atheism flourished along with loose morals, orgies and a total lack of respect for others and providing children with guidance.
So, this brings me back to this person trying to sue in US Federal Court to eliminate God from the inauguration and not to use the Bible at the swearing in ceremony.
Throughout history, where tolerance was evident in the beliefs of their citizenry, those societies flourished because they had the benefit of intelligent minds acting intelligently to the wishes of the masses.
In no society were the atheists allowed to control the wishes of the masses.
Oh, we have had dictatorships control the masses with their mind games and ideologies throughout history.
But, none survived.
Since time has been measured, the human mind always revered some type of higher being, thought or event.
People gave sacrifices to the Sun God, Moon God, Music God, Sea God, God of Love and many more that history has identified.
The, Greeks were famous for having many Gods.
Since our nation was founded on Christian principles and God has been in EVERY part of our growth as a nation, then we must continue to remind those that don't want God in their lives, that the very reason they can dissent is because, we as a nation have provided for them to be able to dissent.
BUT, go ahead; make your statements about "why you don't want God in your life".
Free choice.
However, that free choice does NOT give you the right to eliminate God from my life or my country.
If, this insults you or makes you irritated, is was meant to be.
Take it as it exists or go live someplace where you can rule your own country, village or home.
NOT here in America where millions of our young have fought, died and got crippled, only for you to be able to dissent.
I am not advocating taking that right from you.
That is the pillar of our society.
Free choice and Freedom of Religion.
BUT, again, don't think for one minute that you have earned or have the right to take over our country.
I, don't care whether you are a, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist or any other religion, but the simple thought that someone thinks they can deprive us of God in our daily life, should be barred from attending any gathering of any type where the National Anthem is sung or played.
God Bless America.
Regis Sauger
I recently read on Yahoo News that some atheist is suing again to eliminate using "God" in the inauguration ceremonies in Washington.
I got a little miffed and said to myself, "who in the hell does this guy think he is"? But, after I had enough mumble time to myself, I decided to get some questions answered for myself and perhaps for you also.
We hear everyday about the efforts to remove the word "God" from our public buildings, money, schoolbooks and anyplace where there is a reference to "God".
I am concerned because we, the people out number these protesters by such an enormous number, yet.
we sit back and say to ourselves or friends "who do these people think they are? Don't they know that we outnumber them?" Well, I found the time to research atheism and went back to the days of Greek mythology and paganism.
In just about every instance, atheism was defined as being without God or Godless.
Sorry, I couldn't find anyplace where any society in history placed atheism as the law of the land.
There were some instances where paganism and atheism flourished along with loose morals, orgies and a total lack of respect for others and providing children with guidance.
So, this brings me back to this person trying to sue in US Federal Court to eliminate God from the inauguration and not to use the Bible at the swearing in ceremony.
Throughout history, where tolerance was evident in the beliefs of their citizenry, those societies flourished because they had the benefit of intelligent minds acting intelligently to the wishes of the masses.
In no society were the atheists allowed to control the wishes of the masses.
Oh, we have had dictatorships control the masses with their mind games and ideologies throughout history.
But, none survived.
Since time has been measured, the human mind always revered some type of higher being, thought or event.
People gave sacrifices to the Sun God, Moon God, Music God, Sea God, God of Love and many more that history has identified.
The, Greeks were famous for having many Gods.
Since our nation was founded on Christian principles and God has been in EVERY part of our growth as a nation, then we must continue to remind those that don't want God in their lives, that the very reason they can dissent is because, we as a nation have provided for them to be able to dissent.
BUT, go ahead; make your statements about "why you don't want God in your life".
Free choice.
However, that free choice does NOT give you the right to eliminate God from my life or my country.
If, this insults you or makes you irritated, is was meant to be.
Take it as it exists or go live someplace where you can rule your own country, village or home.
NOT here in America where millions of our young have fought, died and got crippled, only for you to be able to dissent.
I am not advocating taking that right from you.
That is the pillar of our society.
Free choice and Freedom of Religion.
BUT, again, don't think for one minute that you have earned or have the right to take over our country.
I, don't care whether you are a, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist or any other religion, but the simple thought that someone thinks they can deprive us of God in our daily life, should be barred from attending any gathering of any type where the National Anthem is sung or played.
God Bless America.
Regis Sauger