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How To Fix Error 678 - 769 On Your PC

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Error 678/Error 769 are computer errors associated with internal problems in your PC, causing your system to incorrectly read all vital settings and options that it runs on.
These errors are indicative of technical issues in the Internet settings or files in your system.
If these errors are occurring in your PC, you need to get rid of them right away.
You can have an infected PC running normally again by following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this tutorial.
Error 678/Error 769 would typically appear in your screen in this format:
» Error 769 "The specified destination is not reachable" » Error 678 "The remote computer did not respond
These problems can be caused by a number of reasons.
One would be if the cables of your Internet are unplugged or not firmly plugged.
Another reason would be if the files that your system uses for operating are damaged or corrupted.
To resolve these issues follow the steps in the paragraph below.
The first step in fixing this error is to check if the network cables of your computer are plugged securely.
If they aren't, your PC would not be able to read all the options and settings that your system uses in running the Internet.
Regardless if you are using Cable Internet, LAN or Dial-Up connection, cables are essential in that it allows data to be transferred from the Internet to your PC and vice versa.
Things as simple as cables not securely plugged in can cause Error 678/Error 769 messages to occur.
After checking and fixing your PC's network cables, you can proceed to re-installing the modem drivers onto your computer.
You do this by first clicking Start on your Windows bar, after which select Control Panel and then Device Manager.
In the Device Manager find the network adapter drivers in your system.
Right click on your mouse then choose "Uninstall Driver.
" You can then restart your pc and allow the driver to re-install itself in the system.
If done correctly, the settings of the hardware in your system will refresh and you can connect to the Internet again.
You can conclude the rectification of Error 678/Error 769 in your computer by cleaning out the registry.
The registry is a vital part of your system as it functions as the main database where all the files, options and settings that Windows uses are kept.
Since it is used frequently, the registry is vulnerable to breakdowns.
It is not uncommon for registries to become damaged and corrupted.
A defective registry would make your computer run slower and applications would not be read correctly, resulting in errors.
Error 678 and Error 679 are examples of glitches that occur when your PC is not able to thoroughly process the settings that are used for the operation of the registry.
To fix this problem and allow your registry to operate normally again, you need to use a good and reliable registry cleaner.
A dependable registry cleaner would fix registry related issues in your PC quickly and efficiently.
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