Essentials for a Praise Team
- Each member of the team should show enthusiastic dedication. A praise team cannot survive without a group of dedicated teammates. Practices, both during the week and before services, should receive top priority for all members. Likewise, each member should strive to work hard and excel in their part of the team. Singers should practice their vocals, musicians their instruments, and scripture readers should know the correct pronunciations of words within the verse.
- An essential for a praise team lies in their love for God. Praise team members cannot simply lead a congregation in worship when they themselves do not worship God fully. Members must worship God fully in a corporate setting and take time in their person lives to worship God alone. This evokes a stronger love for God, and strengthens the ability of the praise team to lead the congregation.
- Praise team members should have talent. Musicians and singers should have an ability to use their instruments effectively. Those who lead in prayers or scripture readings should be at ease in front of groups of people and have the ability to communicate effectively with those in the congregations. Having teammates lead in positions they have comfort and talent in will allow the praise team to operate successfully.
- A top essential for praise team is the team's humility. At times, humility may become a difficult characteristic to maintain. With all the attention a praise team receives, members can become prideful in that position. However, the spirit of pride negates what the praise team should accomplish during services. Worship calls for humble creatures to praise the Creator. Pride seeks for the worship to shift from the Creator (i.e. God) to the creation (i.e. the praise team).