The World Needs You Now
Thank you for showing up to read this article. Now is the right and perfect time for you to read this material because the content of what you are about to read was designed specifically for you. It was co-created by you to fulfill the intention of what you are choosing to be right now.
The world needs you right now! You are an essential spoke in the cosmic wheel that is turning another chapter in the evolution of the planet we inhabit known as Earth. You are a huge player in what is going on here. The direction that you choose for your life after reading this article may determine if there will even be a planet worth inhabiting in the near future.
There is a revolution in the making and the human form, as we know it, lies in the balance. These words are not meant to scare you, they are meant to wake you up! Even though your soul brought you to the material you are reading for the sole purpose of waking you up, some of you will continue to be sleepwalkers. It is entirely your choice. Reading these words has a profound effect on the universe. There is an old maxim that states, When the student is ready the teacher will appear. The universe must respond. It has no choice.
You are ready and the teacher is here. It is up to you to choose whether reading this article will wake you up, and in so doing, change the course of your life, which in turn will change the course of mankind. Such a promise may sound a little dramatic but we are at a crossroads in this venture here upon this planet. The world needs you to be awake and aware of what is going on so that you can make conscious choices about the direction that you, and mankind, make about the viability of our continued existence in human form on this planet we call Earth (and home).
An important point you will come to understand throughout this narrative is that we, as spiritual beings, never really die. When we leave our human body, we change form and go onto our next creation. For now, just be aware that it is important for you to be awake (consciously aware) in order to save our planet. If we, in our collective consciousness, choose to continue on the same path, then we put our planet at risk of not being able to sustain the human life form. As spirits, we will live on, but we may not be able to live and occupy this planet until nature cleans it up and makes it fit for human habitation again.
If you choose for the material in this short article to wake you up, you will be a willing participant in the revolution that is forming to end the suffering and misery that has become our way of life. You will choose to end the evil that we do to each other, and you will help to end the suffering inflicted upon the planet needed to sustain us in this human form. Individually and collectively we sleepwalk into the unintended consequences of our unconscious choices. This is why we keep saying things just happen to us. We don't see the connection between how we think and what shows up in our lives. This is the lament of the sleepwalker.
We need to wake up and be aware of the natural consequences of our conscious choices. With conscious choice we can direct and create what we want in alignment with our conscious desires and intentions. By waking up to what our thoughts are, and being conscious about which thoughts we wish to pursue, we develop an awareness, both individually and collectively.
Our unconscious choices still create our desires and intentions but, because we are sleepwalking, we are unaware of what our desires and intentions actually are. Therefore we are surprised by what shows up as the consequence of those creations.
Why do you need to be awakened? Because you are unconscious. Not all of us are unconscious. Some of us are aware of what's going on, but even those who are aware need to be shaken up now and then to keep reminding us who we, as human beings, really are.
It is all explained very succinctly by the French Philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin when he said, We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. That is who you really are. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING. You are not a Human Being. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING having a Human experience.
Try living the next few days from that perspective and see if the world starts looking different to you. From a spiritual standpoint you can see very clearly how important you are to the world right now.
The world needs you right now! You are an essential spoke in the cosmic wheel that is turning another chapter in the evolution of the planet we inhabit known as Earth. You are a huge player in what is going on here. The direction that you choose for your life after reading this article may determine if there will even be a planet worth inhabiting in the near future.
There is a revolution in the making and the human form, as we know it, lies in the balance. These words are not meant to scare you, they are meant to wake you up! Even though your soul brought you to the material you are reading for the sole purpose of waking you up, some of you will continue to be sleepwalkers. It is entirely your choice. Reading these words has a profound effect on the universe. There is an old maxim that states, When the student is ready the teacher will appear. The universe must respond. It has no choice.
You are ready and the teacher is here. It is up to you to choose whether reading this article will wake you up, and in so doing, change the course of your life, which in turn will change the course of mankind. Such a promise may sound a little dramatic but we are at a crossroads in this venture here upon this planet. The world needs you to be awake and aware of what is going on so that you can make conscious choices about the direction that you, and mankind, make about the viability of our continued existence in human form on this planet we call Earth (and home).
An important point you will come to understand throughout this narrative is that we, as spiritual beings, never really die. When we leave our human body, we change form and go onto our next creation. For now, just be aware that it is important for you to be awake (consciously aware) in order to save our planet. If we, in our collective consciousness, choose to continue on the same path, then we put our planet at risk of not being able to sustain the human life form. As spirits, we will live on, but we may not be able to live and occupy this planet until nature cleans it up and makes it fit for human habitation again.
If you choose for the material in this short article to wake you up, you will be a willing participant in the revolution that is forming to end the suffering and misery that has become our way of life. You will choose to end the evil that we do to each other, and you will help to end the suffering inflicted upon the planet needed to sustain us in this human form. Individually and collectively we sleepwalk into the unintended consequences of our unconscious choices. This is why we keep saying things just happen to us. We don't see the connection between how we think and what shows up in our lives. This is the lament of the sleepwalker.
We need to wake up and be aware of the natural consequences of our conscious choices. With conscious choice we can direct and create what we want in alignment with our conscious desires and intentions. By waking up to what our thoughts are, and being conscious about which thoughts we wish to pursue, we develop an awareness, both individually and collectively.
Our unconscious choices still create our desires and intentions but, because we are sleepwalking, we are unaware of what our desires and intentions actually are. Therefore we are surprised by what shows up as the consequence of those creations.
Why do you need to be awakened? Because you are unconscious. Not all of us are unconscious. Some of us are aware of what's going on, but even those who are aware need to be shaken up now and then to keep reminding us who we, as human beings, really are.
It is all explained very succinctly by the French Philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin when he said, We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. That is who you really are. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING. You are not a Human Being. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING having a Human experience.
Try living the next few days from that perspective and see if the world starts looking different to you. From a spiritual standpoint you can see very clearly how important you are to the world right now.