Do You Really Want to Save Your Marriage?
Do you want that? or do you want to save a marriage? It's yours at stake.
I know I don't want my relationship to die.
I've invested time, love, emotions, caring and huggs (2 g's cause it's more hugs) into my relationship.
Do you want to have wasted this effort and time? There was a reason why you both got together.
She made you happy, he did things for you, you had these warm fuzzy feelings come over you when you either heard or saw each other.
He rang you when he was on his way home, she helped you even though you knew it was something she would rather not do.
In general you cared for and were appreciated by each other, life became great even constant, you were both very happy.
You've lived together for months, years, you possibly have children.
You have gone through tough times and fantastic times, and you are still together, for no matter what reason.
This was once said to me, read it twice.
The first part is a slight variation of a common saying, you've probably heard it before - the second part is an interesting addition.
The Grass may be greener on the other side of the fence - but it also needs mowing.
If your marriage is not working, at present, there is a great chance that, if you change your partner, after a while the same will happen again, and possibly again.
We need to nurture our relationships, with our partner, our lover, our spouse hopefully they are all one and the same.
Use the same knowledge with your children and your friends and your life will only improve.