How to Change A Good Friendship Into a Lasting Marriage
Without friends we wouldn't have any one to blow off to and tell all of our problems and keep all of our secrets.
The one question that sometimes comes up is, can a man and a woman who are good friends end in a marriage? I believe some friendship can be considered as a type of relationship, but the type I am talking about is a marriage relationship.
How do you change regular friendship to something more such as a lasting marriage without crossing the line into something that can ruin the friendship? The reason I ask this question is because I met a female friend that I have known for over twenty years and we met at a food festival in our town lately, and she asked me this question knowing that I could be of help.
I am five years older than her and she had feelings for a man whom she had considered a mere friend for ten good years.
He is the one that she feels getting married to will fit her life plans.
While she was talking, I found out she had not made known her burning desire to the young man, whom I also know very well, and she wanting me to explain things to him because she was afraid to lose him permanently as a friend if eventually he is turns town her request for a marriage.
Then I told her the truth.
I simply told her that words alone will never help until it is backed with actions.
If you are in love with a boy/girl who has been just a casual friend to you, no matter how long that friendship has lasted, express your feelings as soon as you begin to have a different thought about him/her.
The first thing to do is to politely express it to them.
Let him/her notice a significant change in the way you behave when you are with them.
They want to know if you love them; Right? Either may want to know when to say I love you; and both probably want to hear it.
Ladies, if he loves you, let his words be backed up by his actions, let him get you a ring! Don't give yourselves up prematurely, if you do, it will cost you significant emotional pain, keep your self-respect and your dignity.
Guys, if she really loves you, she'll say yes when you give her the ring.
Your feelings may not be seen or heard, but they can be felt.
Make an attempt to always be of help when necessary, give what you can when he/she asks.
After all you were just friends before, but now you want to take the friendship to a higher level, so don't be tired of giving.
Then sit him/her down in a nice comfortable place and express your true feelings to him/her in a fondling manner.
Another thing is to look for what you can do for them, like buying gifts (don't let it appear that you are trying to buy them).
Look for simple things, like flowers or other small gifts.
If you see that their car needs washing, do something to assist him/her, to establish a positive intent.
If you are going for a grocery shopping do take him/her along with you? Remember it's the thought that counts, these kinds of actions may demonstrate your true feelings.
Because of you recent change in behavior and your generosity towards him/her, believing and accepting your love wouldn't be a difficult thing at the time of your asking.
If it were a real relationship, there would be no need for shyness, so you don't need to be shy when you both are alone because you two may soon be sleeping in the same room This is why I wish people would express their true feelings through their actions, and not with mere words alone.
Your body language, good behavior, and conversations should act as an indicator that you want to change the friendship into marriage.
If you do this for some time, don't be astonished when he/says he is ready for a marriage right away!