How to Smudge Your Home With Sage
- 1). Purchase a sage smudge stick from a natural-foods store, metaphysical shop or boutique that sells goods for the home.
- 2). Focus on your goals for the smudging process before you begin. If your hope is to dispel negative energy or cleanse your home of stress or conflict, visualize the peaceful surroundings that you are trying to create. If you are trying to freshen and energize the rooms, imagine the stale air disappearing as the sage smoke scents the rooms.
- 3). Light the broad end of the stick with a lighter or matches. Blow on or fan the sage until it begins smoking freely.
- 4). Walk slowly through your home with the smudge stick, waving it gently in front of you to distribute the smoke. As you walk, be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Many people repeat prayers for cleansing or healing as they progress through their home; others focus on positive images such as smiling loved ones or white light. If there is a particular area of your home that needs extra attention, spend more time in that room. Be mindful and aware of your presence in the room, and the sage's clarifying smell.
- 5). Extinguish the smudge stick after you have finished by stubbing the end gently in an ashtray or saucer until all embers are out. Wrap your smudge stick in foil, cloth or a plastic bag and store it in a dark, dry place until you are ready to use it again.