Types of Electrical Fire Extinguishers
- Electrical fires require a special kind of fire extinguisher to put them out. These are designed to be non-conductive and are grouped under the Class C designation.
- These extinguishers cover the fire with a flame resistant powder. The powder blocks the oxygen supply and the chemical reactions that fuel the fire. These are able to be used on both flammable liquids and electrically induced fires. They are located in areas near mechanical rooms, hallways, offices and areas where chemicals are stored.
- Halon extinguishers are filled with a gas that stops the reaction of chemicals that are present during a fuel burn. They can be used to a distance of four to six feet. They are safe to use around electrical equipment because there is no cleanup required afterward. These type of extinguishers are utilized in industry and by the military. People using a halon extinguisher must be trained to use it properly due to the hazards involved.
- Carbon dioxide extinguishers have a range of three to eight feet and are best for electrical and liquid fires. The gas in the extinguisher is compressed carbon dioxide. When sprayed, the gas expands and causes the air in the environment to cool off. These extinguishers have a "horn" on the end of the hose and do not have a pressure gauge.