The Character List for "Romeo & Juliet"
- Romeo is the heir to the House of Montague. About 16 years old, Romeo is more concerned with his love life than the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. As the play begins, he is infatuated with Rosaline, who has sworn to live a chaste lifestyle. However, he soon forgets about Rosaline in favor of Juliet. He takes extreme measures to prove his love and secretly marries her. Juliet is the daughter of Capulet, Montague's chief rival. When she is introduced she is a naive child, though she grows up quickly after her marriage.
- The Capulets are led by Juliet's parents. Capulet is depicted as prudent but prone to rage if he is slighted. He loves his daughter but is out of touch with her feelings. Lady Capulet had Juliet when she was about 14 and leans heavily on Juliet's Nurse for guidance. The Nurse is Juliet's primary caregiver and confidante. Tybalt is Juliet's easily angered cousin, who is quick to draw the sword when he feels slighted. Peter is the Nurse's servant and takes her to Romeo. Sampson and Gregory are servants who pick a fight with the Montagues at the start of the play.
- The Montugues are led by Romeo's parents. As the play begins, Montague's chief concern is Romeo's infatuation with Rosaline. After Romeo kills Tybalt, Montague begs Prince Escalus to banish Romeo rather than executing him. A loving and protective mother, Lady Montague dies of grief after Romeo is banished. Benvolio is Romeo's cousin. He spends most of his time helping Romeo forget Rosaline and diffusing tense situations. Balthazar is Romeo's servant and tells him about Juliet's passing, though he is unaware that Juliet has faked her death. Abram is a servant involved in the fight with Capulet's men.
- The House of Escalus is Verona's ruling family. In the play they are led by a Prince whose primary concern is maintaining peace, law and order. The other members of the House of Escalus depicted in the play are Mercutio and Paris. Mercutio is one of Romeo's best friends. He's depicted as hotheaded, fond of wordplay, imaginative and witty. He is bored by Romeo's view of romantic love. Paris is one of Juliet's suitors and has been promised her hand in marriage.
- The Chorus acts as the narrator throughout the play and gives commentary on its plot and themes. Friar Lawrence is a Franciscan monk who befriends Romeo and Juliet. He secretly marries them in hopes of bringing peace. Friar John is one of Friar Lawrence's assistants. Friar Lawrence sends him to tell Romeo that Juliet has faked her death but he never arrives. The Apothecary sells Romeo the poison that he uses to kill himself.